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Khaya's POV

Mr. Kim left a card on the kitchen counter and a note beside it . (Your pay will be received through here .) I looked at the card intrigued. The silver sheen reflecting the light and bouncing it around the room and into my eyes a bit . I put it into my back pocket .

"Aahhh, payday. The only days I look forward to in the 365 days of the year ." Mrs . Andreas says in a relaxed way .

I've noticed a pattern in the house on certain days of the week Mr. Kim brings in a few more helpers to assist in the cleaning but on most days it's just Mrs . Andreas and I .

"Mrs . Andreas ..... um Mr . Kim he seems ... I don't know different, very quiet."

"What do you mean?". She asked .

"Well, the other night . I was on my way to bed and .. he was leaning against the ,the wall as if he's waiting for me or something."

"Oh I see ." She says with a quick smile on her face .

"You probably shouldn't take any mind to that ."she said. I trusted her word , with the short time that I knew her she didn't have to tell me that she has got my back because I knew she did . She was a sweetheart . She showed me paitience and hope that kindness was still out there .

I laid back more relaxed today .

I cleaned the house .The worlds changed I was a prisoner for soo long that everything I once knew was either no more or had evolved .

Mr. Kim did not have many photos around . No family pictures the one you see on the walls of peoples home as the children smile in their parents arms . A smile that would never go away as if it was the embodiment of eternal joy . I wish I could feel like that again .

"Mrs. Andreas maybe we could go shopping." I asked a little nervous like a child asking for something they can't get .

" oh not today, you see I have to go home to visit my sister and it's been a while since I could see her ." She says and my heart kinda sinks to my stomach.

"Does that mean I'm going to be alone in this house , with Mr. Kim." I asked .

"Yes." She says walking up to me to gently rub her hand down my arm.

"You'll be fine I'm sure and if anything happens you can just tell me , okay ." She says .

Alright, alright.

I sat in my room and I don't know what's happening to me I don't want to be alone here especially with Mr. Kim He was pretty intimidating and I don't like the attention I receive from his eyes . Should I fear you Mr . Kim or should I be grateful. I don't know what to feel or maybe I shouldn't feel at all that way I will
wont get hurt .

I feel my head pounding and my heart rate increase my breathing elevates and as I try to stand my head starts to throbbing painfully as causing me to double over . I feel like someone has taken my head and smashed it a thousand times. I collapse to the floor as my body weakens and I cry out in pain.

"Time for me to g...." Mrs. Andrea says but stops as she sees me pained on the ground bleeding out . She panics trying to carry me up but so much blood leaves my body that it starts to get hazy and I feel exhausted.


I woke up with the light shining on my face and I pondered wether all that I've been through was all a lie . That I didn't get the chance to run that I'm still in the clasp of black jacks claw . I feel a panic but as I attempt to rise ,I feel so weak and heavy . My heavy lids raise and I try to open but the weight is so heavy .

A woman with a raiser cut like hairstyle tattoos on her neck and a clad white coat enters. I can't help but flinch thinking that they found me and that they're going to take me away.

"Hey , khaya right , you are perfectly fine ." She said I think I heard her click her pen, a sudden light flashing in my eyes. Why does it feel impossible to move , my resolve only got more intense as I struggle broke out in my mind . I could barely lift my hands or fingers . I wanted to move so badly until a voice broke out .

"Is she alright." Mrs. Andrea asked .

"Yes ,it seems to be a hormone imbalance, I can't really tell. We'll monitor her progress for the next couple of days ."

"I have to get going , I can't really stay here with her ." She said sadly .
"Well if she's discharged well contact you."

"No, no,no no please take me with you ." I begged pleading with her in my head
but that still didn't mean she could read minds and instead had to leave me . It wasn't long until the lulling sleep took over me and I felt myself feeling heavier and heavier .

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