Chapter 3

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Alice must have gotten up before me because when I woke up she was not next to anymore. She probably went on a walk before we left this area. I don't know where we are suppose to head to next, normally Alice just tells me where to go. Every year me and her would switch off on picking each destination for our road trip, this year was Alice's turn. When I walked out of the tent I heard someone yell behind me "Hii!" was Alice. She always tries to scare me, but it never works"Hi Alice" She ended up looking down with a small frown
"Not today... Dang it, I was sure I was going to scare you this time",
"Haha nice try, but you know I  dont scare easily." "We'll see about that.." She started to do her cute little evil laugh, everytime she did this she was always planning something. It was sometimes good, but mostly bad. "Anyways, can we visit France when we leave the US and start camping in Europe?" She asked pulling out a map of the world, circling France in red sharpie. "Yeah we could probably do that." She had a huge smile on her face. I could tell she was excited. Alice always loved going to foreign countrys because there was always something different. Last year we went to Greece. Since we were young we saved money to travel and then when we got jobs, we created a seperate bank account just for traveling. Right now me and Alice have about $30,000-$40,000 , £1,000 , €2,450 in out travel account. Me and Alice are both writers and surprisingly our books sell really fast. Plus Alice also works part time as an animal trainer, such as birds,snakes,dogs, ect..

We cooked some food over a fire we made then we hung out for a bit and packed up. Sadly we can never stay in some places long because if we did that, we would not have much time to go any where else. "Alice, where we heading to next?" I said right when we finished packing up. "To the airport! We have visited most of the parts of the US and now its time to head to Europe!" Me and Alice have never been to Europe before. We have been to Mexico, Candada, Hawii, and most of the US. This year we are going to visit most parts of Europe such as France, Germany,   and the United kingdom."Okay, then Alice your driving because my phone died and you know the way to any airport like the back of your hand." We do have money from areas we have never been to before mostly because me and Alice are money collectors, like people who collect different types of money. "Fine.." I know she secretly likes driving, but she is sometimes too lazy to. It took about an forty-five minutes or so  to get to the airport.

It wasn't that big, but it still had alot of people. A month ago Alice booked us flights to Europe, the United Kindom first to be specific. When we went into the airport we had to leave some things in the car sence we can't bring the car with us and some things were not allowed, so we brought one suit case each that we are bringing with us. We did the very long waiting and boring checking in stuff we normally had to do when we went on the air plane. I always hated waiting in long lines, but I loved going on airplanes. They were always so fun to me. Alice stayed quiet the whole time because she also hated crowds, altgough I somewhat like them. Alice wanted to feel special though so she got us first class seats. I only been in first class once before and ehh it was okay. I didn't see the big deal about it. She got us seats that were right next to eachother so we were not alone.

When we went on our plane, I immediately check who sits around us. I don't want to be rude, but I don't want to sit around people who have babies with them. Yeah they may be cute, but they are not the best to sit close to on a plane ride. Luckily there were no babies close to us. We finally got in our seats, we got something drink and that's when I noticed Alice fell asleep. Alice has been sleeping alot over the few days. She ended sleeping on my shoulder. She looked so adorable in her over sized sweater with some shorts on. For some reason she likes to hide her face when she sleeps so she took my arm to use as a pillow and hid her face with my arm. Im not going to lie, I was actually always comfortable when she did this. I kept playing with her hair, it was so long and beautiful.

This flight is about 13 hours and 15 minutes and im not much if a sleeper so I guess I have 5 hours to draw on Alice's face, 1 hours for me to listen to her mad at me, 4 hours to sleep and 3 hours and 15 minutes to listen to music. I kept looking out the widow in the time I was not asleep snd everything seemed so peaceful. "Im bored, can we explore the plane? Pleaseee" I hear after I wake up. "Sure.." I was still half awake and I probably walked into many things. We ended up talking to random people and to the flight attendants. The flight attendants told us some cool facts about Europe and so did the people. We eventually got to the back of the plane and saw a sweet old lady with a cute servise dog. There were so many unique people we saw, most people were asleep though. Me and Alice go to the back of the plain that was near the bathrooms "I thought there would be something cool here, like isnt this where the flight attendants sit, imI thought there would be something cool." , "Well at least we met a few cool people. Now lets go back to our sleeps. Were going to land soon." We got back to our seats and fell asleep. When I woke I hear Alice saying "Were here, in Europe! We have finally landed. Now go get your things together."

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