The Fight

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  Italics= ancient Greek

                 "What is going on in here?",  Shiro said as he walked into the room

Lance and Keith appeared to be in the middle of a heated argument, with Pidge a little off to the side, recording the whole thing.  Hunk looked like he was about to do something, but Shiro had walked into the room. Keith paused, mid-sentence. That caused Lance to stop arguing as well. This was a normal situation, but what confused Shiro, was that Keith and Lance seemed to have been arguing in a different language.


Lance and Keith had separated now, silent and looking at the floor as if something 

"Now what, is going on in here?", Shiro asked, dad-voice and all.

"Well Keith-", Lance started.

" I don't want to know who started it, I want to know what is going on."

"Hunk.", Shiro turned to the yellow paladin.

"Uh, so it was just the usual, ya'know, like the arguing and-"

Shiro got the feeling that this wasn't the usual, Hunk was a terrible lier. 

"Let me see the video you took of it Pidge"



Pidge sighed, slowly took out the miniature altean camera she was hiding behind her back, possibly hoping Shiro wouldn't notice. She handed the camera to Shiro reluctantly. Shiro switched on the camera and looked at it's history.  The screen showed Keith and Lance having a argument, but it was in a foreign language. His dark eyebrows furrowed.  He could barely scratch together a few words. But all he could make out was when the boys spoke in English, mostly cuss words and, "You take that back!", there were a few names thrown in there as well.  Hunk tried to interrupt them several times, and Pidge snickering behind the camera.  Shiro sighed deeply and pinched his nose, looking down. 

"This is a really elaborate prank you guys, but knowing you two, this couldn't have been a prank because you can't work together on anything." Shiro sighed.

Lance looked nervous.  Very nervous. So did everyone else, he noted as he looked around the alien room.  

"I will ask one more time."

" What. Is. Going. On." Shrio asked firmly.

Keith spoke up, mildly surprising Shiro.  He took in a sigh, gave Lance a absolutely murderous look and said, "We're sorry Shiro. Isn't that right Lance?", he elbowed Lance in the stomach, which didn't go unnoticed by Shiro.

"Yes. Very sorry."

"I'm not stupid.",Said Shiro

Shiro told them, "I want you both to come with me since you won't admit what happened."

"Oh, and Pidge?"

"Yes, Shiro?", she replied.

" For being a bystander, you wash the dishes everyday this week.", Shiro said.

Pidge visible slumped.  Hunk held his breath awaiting whatever punishment was about to be bestowed onto him.  "Hunk, you tried to help so you're fine.", Shiro told him.

Hunk sighed, did a mini fist-pump when the black paladin turned his back to them, leading the two boys out of the small room. Lance sent him one last pleading look, to which Hunk replied with a sign, a clear sign to anyone who had been friends with Lance for a long enough time would know, the sign meant, "Charm them."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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