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The one whose concern is with that which enters the belly will discover that his value is found in that which goes out of it

 - Imam Al-Ghazali

Seokjin was pushing the shopping cart down the crowded isle, searching for his next victim. In a sudden manner he stopped in front of a shelf filled with baked goods and families of candy. He looked around, spotting and processing every confectionery, waiting on the selves to be slaughtered by hungry beings like himself.

Chocolate? Candy? Cookies? Seokjin couldn't decide what he wanted more. After a milisecond of internal conflict he just rushed his hands through the selves, throwing every single product into the shopping cart.

The items produced a metallic thud as they fell into the cart, making noise that attracted judgemental gazes.

Seokjin scoffed and proceeded searching for yet another victim. This store had just opened and Jin was shopping there for the first time so he was determined to make it count.

He finally found the beverages and he threw them inside the cart by the dozens. "Great!" he explained feeling good about his meal to come.

He was pretty sure that these would suffice for the day. And if he ran out, he could always order something.

He paved the way to the register, ready to pay for all these delicious goods but his food radar had other plans for him.

Just like a sonar that detects hostile submarines underwater, Seokjin noticed with the corner of his eye, a huge display, followed by an endless isle filled with chips and savory snacks.

He glanced down at his already full shopping cart before his eyes locked back towards the isle. "I guess I'll need another cart." he said to himself before walking, with a satisfied grin on his face, towards the entrance were the shopping carts reside.

"Can I leave this here?" she asked the, cashier with a benign smile. "Yeah whatever." she spat out rudely, intensely chewing her gum while glancing at the full cart and then at the empty one.

Seokjin smiled but she didn't even bother looking at him. He wheeled the empty cart back to the isle where he had previously discovered the colonies of savory snacks and tasty chips and stood in the middle for a good five minutes, drooling over the variaty of choices he wanted to try and all the flavors that he craved so badly.

For a second there, Jin felt like a pregnant woman, experiencing her first cravings. Not long after, Seokjin was storming up and down the isle, shoving inside the shopping cart anything that looked even remotely interesting.

The second cart was now full and it was time to go home and enjoy all this food.

Seokjin refrained from using the register with the obnoxious cashier so he headed towards another one with a cashier that seemed a tad more amicable, making sure to gift a sneaky but disrespectful glance towards the rude cashier.

"Good morning." Seokjin exclaimed before launching the operation 'empty the cart'.

"Are you having a party?" the cashier asked innocently while scanning the stuff and putting them into plastic bags.

"Nah that's all for me." he smiled with a proud feeling creepping underneath his grin. The cashier goggled his eyes but didn't respond.

Jin didn't always eat that much, he usually would have stopped after the first cart but after what happened to Namjoon and what Hoseok did to himself... He felt more stressed than ever so maybe another cart full of goodies would do the trick.

Jin loaded everything in the trunk of his car and drove home.

The moment he arrived back home, he got everything out of the trunk and slowly started bringing them inside. Since he couldn't carry so many bags at once, he did it in three rounds, carrying about seven bags each time.

Only five people were at the house including Seokjin. Namjoon was getting pointlessly diagnosed for his sudden blindness and Hoseok was restrained on a hospital bed.

"Are we having a party?!" a sudden deep voice startled the elder. "You scared me you little shit..." Jin gasped and Taehyung chuckled, slowly moving closer to Seokjin. "I can do a lot more to you if you want." he whispered in Seokjin's ear, the vile proposition casting shivers down his spine. "No, I don't have time for you. I'm hungry..." he paused, unloading the bags onto the counter. "And don't you even think about laying your filthy, sex-addicted hands anywhere near me OR my food!" he added, glaring back at the smirking man. "Fine. My offer still stands." Taehyung winked and walked away as light and elegant as a leaf dancing through the breeze.

"Finally." Seokjin scoffed as soon as he was left alone with his future victims. Countless families of savory snacks and delicious treats were about to get brutally murdered by two rows of sharp teeth and a chiseled jaw.

Seokjin ran his fingers over the snacks, selecting his first prey. He singled out a pack of onion cream-flavored chips.

With an almost deviously insane grin forming underneath his full lips, he picked up the bag and ripped it open.

His hand went in and grabbed a handful of potato chips, vigorously shoving them between his cheeks.

But that was just the beginning. Not two ours later, every single bag and box on the counter was empty except a single pack of mint chocolate chip cookies.

"Saving the best for last I see." Jin said to himself, chortling at his own bad joke.

He picked up the pack and ripped it open like he hadn't eaten for days. He devoured the delicious cookies one after the other.

"Last one." he sighed, glimpsing inside the almost empty box, his lips forming a cute pout. His hand went in slowly and pulled the last mint chocolate chip cookie out of its home.

"COOKIES! IS IT CHOCOLATE CHIP?!" an excited Jimin busted through the hall, rushing for the last cookie but Jin yanked his hand back before the shorter man could steal it from him.

"NO! That's mine!" Seokjin roared, giving the younger man a deadly glare. "You ate everything! You always do! Just give me the damn cookie grandpa!" Jimin shouted at the top of his lungs with his raspy voice emitting waves of infuriation.

"No way midget." Seokjin grinned wickedly and licked the cookie. "Arg!" Jimin punched the top of the kitchen table with his fists, making the weak furniture squil underneath his fists.

"Fine! I hope you choke on it!" Jimin growled and walked away frantic.

"Whatever." he mumbled before taking a clumsy bite. But he swallowed too early. The cookie stuck in his throat, and fought until its last breath to take revenge for his family and the rest, slowly depriving this gluttonous monster of precious oxygen...

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