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"What is right is often forgotten by what is convenient."

-Bodie Thoene

He was flying across the oceans, visiting spectacular places that no man had ever laid his eyes upon.

He could rest besides a waterfall made of gold or run through a field of sugarcane alongside flying pandas and loving unicorns.

There was nothing that Yoongi couldn't do. He had the power to make his every wish come true without lifting a single finger.

But dreams are nothing but a tool to witness what you are too coward to reach in real life.

Yoongi could dream about anything that his heart desired but it was all for the sake of the imagery. He couldn't touch his surroundings or feel the warmth of the sun on his pale skin.

He couldn't pick up a flower to embrace its magical scent or feel the fine sand under his bare feet.

That was his curse, Yoongi could see anything but couldn't feel a thing. His everyday life revolved around sleeping and dreaming.

He would never indulge into the real world, his sloth wouldn't allow that. Everything physical seemed like a struggle so Yoongi would just sleep it off.

But his dreams weren't enough to satisfy his needs. He wanted to get up, he wanted to be with his friends, he wanted to write songs but he was too damn tired all the time. Even going to the bathroom seemed like a drag.

The rest of the members would try to motivate him in a whole bunch of ways but he wouldn't budge.

He hadn't even gone to the hospital to visit his friend who was struggling and hurting. Not in real life that is, Yoongi would dream about visiting Hoseok and his guild would fade away.

Yoongi was now sleeping on the living room couch because he was too tired to return to his bed after using the bathroom earlier that day.

A subtle noise woke him up. He opened his eyes and with his senses still in distress from the slumber, he managed to pinpoint the location of the noise. It was Seokjin, he was in the kitchen unloading what sounded like plastic bags.

Yoongi felt his stomach rumble, he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday and he would do anything for a snack right now. Well anything that didn't include getting up at least.

"Hyung." he tried to shout but his voice was so hoarse and weak that it barely even made a sound. He tried again after a deep breath but the air hitched in his throat, making him cough instead.

It was one of those coughs that felt like claws scratching the inside of your throat. Yoongi regretted his previous decision, a snack wasn't worth such inconvenience.

"Whatever." he mumbled and closed  his eyes once again. This time, driven by the protest of his stomach, craving for a snack, he found himself lost in a bamboo forest but instead of bamboo trees, giant pepero sticks stood idle, waiting to be eaten by the pale man.

Yoongi drooled over the immense variety of flavors. Chocolate, strawberry, mint, bacon. The array of options was truly mind-blowing.

He walked towards an enormous white chocolate pepero stick and just by thought, his body started levitating over the ground. Slowly moving upwards, away from the trunk of the tree and towards the delicious chocolate part.

He floated in front of it, ready to take a bite even though he knew that he couldn't taste a thing. Just the act was enough to satisfy his hunger.

Before he could touch his teeth against the appetizing exterior, everything vanished and he found himself falling into nothingness.

Everything around him was dark and empty. A deep deafening voice echoed throughout this emptiness. "COOKIES! COOKIES! COOKIES!"

The voice resonated into this hollow space, loud like a thunder  sending shivers down Yoongi's spine as he kept on falling into oblivion.

Finally Yoongi hit the cold hard ground, his body bending due to the impact, resulting into excruciating pain that it was too much to handle.

Like clockwork, his body's defense mechanisms woke him up front this beautiful dream that had turned into a terrifying nightmare.

"Fine! I hope you choke on it!", that was the first thing he heard the moment he opened his eyes. The word seems overflowing with anger and hatred.

He saw Jimin storming away from the kitchen, he seemed furious and a furious Jimin was not to be meddled with. He turned his back and just let them be. He was too tired to get involved anyway.

Suddenly, just before he fell asleep once again, weird sounds came from the kitchen. He could hear chairs rattling, Seokjin gasping for air.

Almost inaudible calls for help. Was Seokjin choking? Did he need help? Those thoughts crossed through his mind.

The gasping became more and more intense by the second. He managed to make himself sit up. A loud thud came from the kitchen, probably Seokjin's body crushing against the kitchen floor.

"What a drag..." he sighed before standing up. He started walking but not to the kitchen, he took the path towards his bedroom. Saving Seokjin would be too much and he was too tired to invest his energy into anything besides walking to his comfortable bed.

"Sorry hyung." he whispered to himself before laying on his soft bed and closing his eyes.

He let his brother die because of his sloth and no one but him would ever know but like always, he would once again dream the guild away.

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