Pearls Of Human Happiness Part 1

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Tales of the Frolicking Mare
Cally/Evelyn & Sasha in Pearls of Human Happiness Part 1

As the lights came up Calico struts on stage, her pirate costume drawing oohs and aahhs from the audience. She tips her large hat, bowing, the crowd goes wild. As she rises she holds out a small chest in one claw. "Avast me hearties! Tis be Passions Day tomorrow! Ye all ready to shiver your mates timbers, and sweep your lovelies off their ground claws??"

A resounding AYE echoes through the Performance Hall, Cally bows again placing the chest to one side pushing it out of her way. As she puts her large hat back on she says "Me maties, have you heard of the legendary Pearls of Human Happiness? It be said possessing one can unlock the secrets to the hearts of the most inscrutable hard to fathom species out there. Human beings! But..."

Cally removes her hat, fanning herself off. "Whew! Is it me or is this top deck kind of hot? Hmm... Guess you know what that means..." she teases, teasing her hat before her as she stares coyly at the audience. " ...guess I'll have to share with you my greatest treasure! "

With that Cally motions in a grand gesture, flinging the hat aside, raising her claw as she proclaims "ME LUCKY CHARMS!! NOW!! WHO'S GOT MILK???"

"That's not how your act goes!!"

The Lucky Stallion Diner

Cally sighs, popping open the box of Lucky Charms. As she eats a handful of cereal she looks at the box.
"Heh. The cereal mascot is a Averian pirate lass named Calico. Just like me... Does this mean I can sue CrunchyCom for copyright infringement?"

Sasha reaches over, helping herself to the cereal as she scolds Cally. "Any reason you had to bring up the box of Lucky Charms your carrying around?"

"You know it's my flashback, right Sasha? I can tell it anyway I want to! ..." (Cally looks at the box again)
"You know what? I guess it makes sense with the Lucky Charms mascot being Calico The Pirate. But still? My fans are the weirdest! "

As she chews on another clawful of cereal Cally gripes.
"At least one customer a day throws me a box of Lucky Charms or Captain Crispy. Am I looking famished lately? Yeah the Lucky Charms at least has a Calico but what about Captain Crispy reminds fans of me?!? He's an old sugar addicted Felian dressed like an old style Commodore!! And why a box of cereal every day I work?!?"

"Count your blessings!" Sasha groans, "I get three boxes of Cocoa Coons every day. I don't even like Cocoa Coons! I'm more a Captain Crispy Coon myself. Anyway the pearls? You were saying?"

"Fine! Fine! Let me get undressed in my flashback and I'll tell you! Sigh..."

As the music kicks in Cally strips off her scarf, rubbing it along her beak and chest. As she lets it fall aside she cups her heaving breasts through her top, pulling free her decorative armor fabric sash. Her claw tosses aside her top skirt, her other claw gently playing with her exposed thigh.

She drops to her knees, crawling to the audience like a hungry predator before dropping onto her back. As she drops back she pulls her boots free, tossing them aside.

As she regains her ground claws she rips open her top, revealing her fabric shrouded breasts, pulling the top away. She toys with the audience, playing with her breasts before finally tearing aside the last obstruction. She strikes a pose  standing tall, her breasts fully revealed. As she bows, a soft throaty giggle showing her happiness, she motions back to the chest she left to one side and says
"There is no legend of Pearls of Human Happiness. It's a prop Sasha. Get over it."

At their table in the Lucky Stallion Cally shoves the prop box before Sasha, snapping it open showing the prop pearls within. "But here. Don't take my word for it. Feel free to plunder me booty and take a legendary glass bauble of stage prop-ery. By the way if your so desperate to relate to Billy you'll succumb to magic gimmicks and tricks? Then you are one sad sad Coon."

"Stop teasing me! " Sasha growls, hiding her face. "Tomorrow is Passions Day! Usually for Passions Day I just treat myself to a spa day, and a box of cake donuts! But this is the first year Im buying something for a... A special human! What do I get him?!? "

Cally sighs, turning away from Sasha' frantic expression. "It's only Passions Day! Nature forbid you think it was your anniversary with Billy or something! Whatever you get him will be fine! You two only been holding hand and paw every morning and evening for, what, a few weeks? I think he will survive your gift giving. After all he's survived your sweaty school puppy paw holding!"

"Oh so your not getting Tommy anything for the day then?" Eve remarks, slipping into the seat near the window next to Cally. "Bite me Eve! I am and you know it! Only I don't need a team of friends to know what my love wants! If we had a white board and pens we could do a HOUSE level diagnosis of Sasha' gift options!"

As Eve settled in Cally asks "What got your big fluffy tail in a bunch Eve? You look rightly peeved."

"Well I am the one with the human lover. Why aren't you asking me for advice Sasha?"

Sasha, white fur blushing red, avoids direct eye contact with Eve as she mutters, "Yeah well George is kinda old... And Billy is more Tommy's age."

Eve retorts "47 is not old!! Humans these days has at least 100-200 years of life with the use of manatech and magic!"

Cally pats the upset Eve on her shoulder, "I think Sasha means he's old compared to her Billy. She wants the youth perspective hence Tommy."

"Well??? " Sasha growls, eyes focused on Cally. "Since you figured it out finally don't keep me waiting! Spill!"

Cally nods, "Fine. Here. Let me spell it out in such simple terms any creature can understand..." From her side bag Cally pulls out a SilkyCoon action figure (sold in the Frolicking Store) and a human toy she got from a random yard sale. She puts a prop box of chocolate into the humans kung fu grip hand. "Sasha! Sasha! Happy Passions Day!"

In a rather weird Sasha's voice, Cally bounces the Sasha figure up and down, tapping the action feature button on the figures back. "Oh Billy!! You make me so happy I could just bounce with joy!! See? Bouncy realistic breast action at the touch of a button! Boingy boingy boingy..."

"Please stop making my figures breasts bounce..." Sasha groans irritatedly,  "What was Babs thinking agreeing to sell those things in the Frolicking Store?!?"

"At least you have a decent action feature. Twirling my five tails on my figure makes my breast inflate busting out of my snap on top..." Eve groans, slumping in her chair.
"I'm still mortified at the thought of my fans buying the thing, nature forbid having me sign them at meet and greets."

Back to the little action figure theater show, Cally has Sasha get close to Billy. "Oh Billy, you got my Coon flank so moist! Here!!" Cally shoves down on the action button soliciting a generic moan from the voice box as she undresses the figure. "Oh take me lover boy! I'm your Passions Day present!... Now let's put these figures 17 points of articulation to good use!!"

"What?!?" Sasha hisses, growling at Cally. "We only just started holding paws and kissing!! Now you want me to take Billy's essence?!? Seriously?!?"

Cally nods, "You two are going to end up doing it eventually. Why not now. It's not like your saving your innocence for a great wedding day or anything."

"H-H-How would you know! I... "

"Why don't you just strip for him?" Sally interrupts, sending Sasha into a sputtering meltdown.

" Was it something I said? "

Eve sighs, "Fake ignorance doesn't fit you Cally."


Tales of the Frolicking Mare Book 1.3 Mistress FelianWhere stories live. Discover now