Chapter Twenty-Five

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I was once again wearing my court suit, a cream tank top and, in concession to my healing leg, a pair of black flats. I was back at Morelli's house and sharing a pizza with him and Bob. We were talking about Roberto Mendez's trial. "He was judged guilty, just like we knew he would", I said. "But his overtime at the button factory was taken into consideration. He paid back the entire cost of the vests, so the judge said extenuating circumstances were present, that grief played a big part of the theft. When it came to sentencing she said since he had paid back the entire cost of the vests, he could now do what he wanted with them. And she ordered him to go for grief counseling. She didn't give him any jail time and, in fact, didn't even order any community service. Just counseling. I was happy for him. He honestly seems like a really nice guy."

"Scuttlebutt at the precinct says he is donating the vests to the force. The uniforms are ecstatic. Many of our existing vests already have bullet holes in them."

As we were sitting in the kitchen eating dinner, we heard a car door slam, footsteps on the porch, the front door opening and a "yoo-hoo" being called from the door. "We're in the kitchen", Joe yelled. His mother and grandmother came back to us carrying a covered dish of lasagne.

"My mother has something she wants to say to you", said Mrs. Morelli.

Grandma Bella looked at me for a moment. "I say you good girl. Joseph good boy. Mario bad boy. I remove curse on you" and she touched her finger to her eye.

"And what else do you need to say to Stephanie?" Mrs. Morelli prompted.

Grandma Bella shifted from one foot to the other and back again. "I'm sorry", she said.

I looked at her with my mouth hanging open. Grandma Bella turned around and hurried back out the front door and left Mrs. Morelli to follow behind.

A silence filled the room after the two women left. "I don't think I've ever heard her say that before", Morelli said, amazed. "See, I told you I'm her favorite grandchild!"

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