~~~ The Keeper ~~~

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They wiled away an hour or two together, talking of nothing too serious. Bryce had to help with the preparations to get underway again and he made sure L was comfortable and didn't need anything before he left. Gart and Lort finally returned to pick her up and she had some fun conversations with them. They didn't seem at all fazed by the battle or the serious looking cuts they'd received, they were just happy to see L awake.

L tried to bargain with them for her to walk but they immediately refused and threatened to wrap her up like a caterpillar in a cocoon if she tried. L didn't want to burst their bubble with the fact that she'd be able to escape, instead she accepted her 'carriage' and laid back when they began to move.

They travelled through the rest of that day and L received a few visitors to her little hammock; some did bring gifts like Bryce said they would. L tried to refuse but none would let her, they left the gifts, gave their thanks and walked away before she could do anything about it. L was laden with presents by the time Bryce came back, he smirked knowingly. He was also accompanied by a familiar face L hadn't been expecting to see.

Hallie fluttered up to perch on L's shoulder and she was smiling from ear to ear, although oddly she appeared to be out of breath.

"I flew as fast as I could, that was a long journey." She said in her high voice and L raised a questioning brow from her to Bryce.

"Hallie has been home to the Fairy court while you were unconscious. Hallie, you said it had something to do with L, can you enlighten us now?"

L glanced to Hallie for more of an explanation, she was looking at L with a strange expression and L raised her brow.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, it's just... you have no idea how important you are."

L almost choked at her words and she heard Bryce snort loudly, she ignored him and stared at Hallie.

"You've gotta be kidding, right? I think I have a pretty good idea."

Hallie shook her head and flew down to land on L's arm, "No, you don't, because if you did then you would understand how you survived that monstrous inferno that you created."

L and Bryce both stared at Hallie with wide eyes, "And you know how she did it?" Bryce asked in disbelief, whatever it was, none of them had thought of it so how could one singular Fairy?

"I do, yes..." Hallie began and she walked down L's arm, sending a tingling sensation through L's body. "You may have forgotten about it but we haven't, you were given an incredible present, imbued with powerful Fairy magic."

Hallie reached L's wrist and pulled on her sleeve, revealing the flower bracelet that the Fairy named Elisie had given her back on the Black Bus.

"My bracelet?" L asked incredulously.

She stared down at the frail strand that wove around her wrist. It had changed however, since the last time she'd noticed it. It had turned a horrible shade of brown and looked dry, like it was falling apart; L remembered what Bryce had said about the bracelet being a gift to protect her. She had all but forgotten that she was wearing it, it weighed nothing and yet she was supposed to believe it stopped the fire and the magic.

"That bracelet saved my life?"

Hallie nodded and pressed her hands to the bracelet, it was an instantaneous transformation as it came back to life in front of their eyes. Soft, green and healthy; the flowers danced at Hallie's touch.

"Yes it did, this isn't just any old bracelet. It is very powerful and can only be used for protection. It was made especially for you and it did save you from being killed, without it you wouldn't be here today. I was requested to rejuvenate the magic within, that's why I had to go home."

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now