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Gabriella's P

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Gabriella's P.O.V.

"Honey Kendalls here" I heard mom yell before i grabbed my bag and phone walking downstairs "Have a good day at school" Mom smiled kissing my head. I smiled

"Love you" I smiled

"You more" Mom smiled before me and kendall walked out to the car. I got into the car when i saw the guys and girls

"Gabby" Sammy cheered making me laugh before giving them each a hug sitting down when jack wrapped his arm around me. I looked at him amd smiled when he placed his lips to mine.


We pulled up infront of the school when the car came to a halt. I got out the car grabbing my bag when i saw Wesley and them up ahead

"Awe your boyfriend is waving at you" Chantel joked when Wesley,Andrew and Logan walked over

"Hello love" Wesley joked giving me a hug when Jack and them got out the car

"You ready babe" He asked grabbing my hand as i nodded

"Excuse us" Jack said before pulling me away from them and into the school. I walked over to my locker when Jack let my hand go

"I'll see you later ok" He smiled caressing my cheek as i nodded smiling. He pecked my lips before walking off with the guys

"What the hell is she staring at" Chantel said when i turned my head seeing Madison staring at me with her friends who were laughing before they walked away

"She's just jealous" Kendall said making me laugh shaking my head when Andrew and the guys walked over

"Hello hoes" Gregg smiled making me laugh

"So we're going to the movies tonight and can you please come" Wesley begged making me laugh

"I don't know which is worse the begging or your face" I said making him scoff playfully shoving me. I just laughed closing my locker looking to see Andrew looking at me making me laugh

"What do you want Drew" I laughed

"To take you on a date" He joked making me laugh

"I'm good" I said making the girls laugh

"Worth the shot" He said making me laugh when the bell rang

"Well I'll see you weirdos later" I smiled whem the guys waved making me laugh before walking into class

Jack's P.O.V.

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