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Gabriella's P.O.V.

"What are you always writing in that book" I laughed while Jack wrote in his notebook

"Nothing" He smiled before closing it

"It must be something if you always have it with you" I laughed

"Nothing" He laughed when i folded the piece of paper "What's that" He asked making me smile shaking my head

"Nothing" I mocked making him laugh

"Let me see it" He asked when i walked over to his bookshelf seeing the book Wuthering Heights making me laugh smiling

"You like this book" I asked picking it up

"Yeah" He said making me smile

"I do to" I smiled before putting the note in the book

"What are you doing" He laughed

"I wrote you something" I skiled walking over to him "But promise you'll only read it when you're heartbroken and we're falling apart ok" I asked making him look at me before nodding

"I promise" He smiled. I smiled grabbing the book before putting it back on his shelf

"So can i ask you a question" I smiled walking over to him

"Do i have a choice" Jack asked making me laugh

"Please" I asked

"Ok" He said

"What's something you love the most" I asked making him quiet for a second when he spoke

"That's easy myself" He said making me laugh

"Typical" I laughed sitting on the bed

"What's that supposed to mean" He laughed making me shake my head smiling

"Nothing" I smiled. He smiled before standing up

"Stay right there" He said before walking away. I heard shuffling when he soon came back with paint in his hand setting it to the floor before putting a painting apron over him

"What are you possibly doing" I laughed

"Painting" Jack smiled

"Painting what" I laughed

"You" He smiled "now stay still" He said before i could say anything else. I laughed to myself before staying in the same position for what felt like hours

"Are you done yet" I laughed

"Almost" He smiled making me laugh at how focused he was

"You should let me draw you" I said making him look up

"Do you draw" He asked

"Yeah" I smiled. He just laughed before backing away from the painting "ooh is it done" I asked

"Yup" He smiled

"Can i see it" I smiled

"No" He said before putting a blanelt over it

"Why not" I huffed

"Cause you'll see it after I'm done with the project I promise" He smiled

"So you're taking over the project now huh" I asked

"Its just something I've been wanting to do" He said

"Is that what you're writing in your notebook" I asked

"Can't say" Jack said making me groan. I looked on the bed seeing his notebook before looking at him. I barged towarfs his book when he grabbed a hold of me taking the book out my hand

"No fair" I said "you're so secretive" I said making him laugh

"You just have to know how to have patience" He smiled. I smiled when he leaned in placing his lips to mine as s we both moved in a slow sync. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me as he hovered over me. I flipped us over not once breaking the kiss before kissing down to hos neck kissing and sucking lightly before kissing back to his lips when the door busted open when i saw it was dad making my eyes widen

"WHAT THE HELL" Dad yelled "Who the hell are you" Dad yelled as i got up

"Dad not here" I said

"You get your shit and get the hell away from my daughter" Dad yelled

"Dad stop" I said trying to calm him down

"This is why you're coming back to New York with me" Dad yelled before walking out. I sighed before looking back at jack who looked as stunned as i did

"I'll be right back" I said before walking out "Dad wait" I said calling after him "Dad" I yelled grabbing his arm

"What the hell is wrong with you" Dad yelled maming me jump "You're coming home with me this school is gonna get you into nothing but trouble" Dad yelled

"Dad please just listen to me" I said

"No you listen to me young lady you're not gonna sit here and throw your life away from some trash boy" Dad said

"He's not trash" I said "And do you ever just think about what i want for once in your life and not what you think is best for me" I asked

"Everything i do is what's best for you" He said making me shake my head in disbelief

"No you dont. I'm never happy until now being here and with my friends and fmily make me happy. He makes me happy and you're not gonna take that away from me" I cried

"You stay with that boy you're not my child anymore i disown you cause he's never gonna be anything to you not in my family" Dad said making me scoff

"Your family. Right your new family that you left my mother for. And you know so much about love huh you're nothing but trash yourself" I said when i felt a sting on my cheek making me look at dad in disbelief

"Don't yoy ever talk to me like that again. I don't even know who you are anymore. But i came down here to tell you my weddings this weekend and i would've liked if you were there but if you wanna waist your time here with that guy then go ahead cause he's gonna change you and turn you into something bad and it looks like he's already started" Dad said shaking his head

"Dad just listen to m-" I said when he cut me off

"It's totalpy fine Gabby its your life right" Dad said before walking towards the door "But remember what i tell you I'm right. I always am amd he's gonna break your heart" Dad croaked about to cry when he shook it off

"I hate you" I cried when he shook his head before slamming the door. I ran back to the room before slamming the door

"What happened" Jack asked walking over to me

"He's gone" I cried when he hugged me tight "Don't leave me" i sniffed

"I won't" He said "I promise".


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