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Dark: -runs after Pit- Give me back my bow, you idiot!

Pit: -turns around smiling- I'm not gonna give it up that easily especially after you just called me an idiot

Dark: -leaps, tackles Pit and takes his bow back- hmph

Pit: Jeez you could've said it nicer and I would've gave it back! You're mean!

Dark: Well you're a moron!

Pit: Well, it takes a moron to recognize a moron, you freaking moron!

Dark: Stop you loud, obnoxious pig!

Pit: Why should I?!

Dark: You're really triggering me! Don't pull the trigger

Pit: Well you're making me pretty mad too!

Dark: -growls and clenches his fists-

Pit: Ooo! Someone has got anger issues! Wonder who that could be!

Dark: -tackles Pit-

Pit: -get off me you rapid mean fat beast!

Dark: -pulls Pit's hair- don't call me that!

-The angels continue to wrestle and insult each other for a while-

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