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"OUR SECRET WEAPON HAS ESCAPED," Arina heard Klaus say as she walked into the room, "Oh, good, there you are," he said sarcastically, "Any idea where your new 'bestie' has run off to?"

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"OUR SECRET WEAPON HAS ESCAPED," Arina heard Klaus say as she walked into the room, "Oh, good, there you are," he said sarcastically, "Any idea where your new 'bestie' has run off to?"

Arina rolled her eyes, shooting him a dark look, "No," she said, irritated, "and if I did, I certainly wouldn't tell your impulsive ass."

Klaus looked at her, offended and angry, stepping forward but Marcel spoke and gained his attention, "She wouldn't just leave," Marcel said firmly, "She knows the witches want her back."

Arina stared at the dark-skinned vampire. There was something about him that just itched her the wrong way. He never did anything personally terrible to her, she knew that, and she really didn't have a reason to not like him except for the fact that he bitched at her when she first arrived, but she just didn't like him. 

"Can you stop staring at me like that?" the vampire finally snapped, frustrated.

"No, but I can gouge out your eyeballs so you can't complain about me staring at you," Arina said flatly and Marcel looked at her, wide-eyed.

"What the hell did I ever do to you?" he demanded.

"Nothing," Arina said bluntly, "I just don't like you."

"Her violin is missing," Elijah said, walking into the room and ignoring the tension between Arina and Marcel, "She may have left of her own volition."

"What did you say to her in the attic?" Marcel asked angrily, walking over to Elijah, "She lied to my face so she could stay up there thinking that you'd help her control her magic. How do we know that you didn't take her?"

Arina rolled her eyes, "You know, we have bigger problems than a witch that just wants to be on her own for a while. Like, I don't know, maybe the eleven covens that are about to wage war in your city?" she said sarcastically but her words turned Marcel on her and she raised her eyebrows high as he stalked over to her.

"And you? You claim to be her friend, to want to help her, how do we know that you didn't take her?" he hissed, getting in her face.

Arina smiled coldly, "Get out of my face or I'll make due on my promise," she said lowly and Marcel sneered at her before taking two steps back. "Davina left and is safe. If she wasn't, Corvus would have told me by now."

All three men turned toward her, "You do know where she is?" Klaus spat angrily, "Where?"

"Oh," Arina smiled thinly, "I have no idea where she is. Corvus is the one that's with her and, unfortunately, he has been cursed to not be able to tell anyone where he is or describe the area around him, what a pity."

She watched, amused, at the fury that flew over Klaus's face, "Then take the curse off," he said slowly, voice dark and threatening but Arina's smile just widened.

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