1: too busy uniting in flirtatious combat

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A/N:  I'm actually dead while writing this. The only reason why I've resurrected is because Jessie Reyez awoke me with her bomb ass voice. Lol, I put one of her songs "Dear Yessie" up there ^^^ Tell me if you like it . I think my favourite lyric from that song was "When you're the truth, you ain't worried bout replicas." She's legit. Honestly. Love her.

Ugh, exams are such a pain in the ass. Sitting through the classes and writing till my hands dropped was torture enough, but apparently not, according to teachers. :) (that's a forced fucking smile btw. forced. fucking. smile.)

 Have ya'll ever taken economics? Micro or macro? I mean, it makes sense at first cuz logic but then BAM these damn graphs got me crying over my notes goddammit.

Anyway, lol, hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think. And good luck to those going through exams...Lord knows we've all tried to study. Lmao, procrastination's a bitch.

Anywayssssss, keep reading for chapter 1: too busy uniting in flirtatious combat

I was bored. Absolutely fucking bored.

"And that is why the active site of an enzyme..." the teacher droned on.

Sighing and looking down at my doodles, I whispered to my best friend, "I swear to gloria, if this dude doesn't shut up..."

Lane smirked and moaned with me. "Bro, feels."

"Oh, haven't we got economics after this?" I asked, Mr Grondoy still talking monotonously in the background.

There was a slight rustling of pieces of paper as Lane searched for the new timetable. Scanning his dark eyes quickly across the page, he nodded.

"Yeah, with that lady who's too happy."

I snickered. "She's just a little eccentric, that's all."

Lane lifted his eyebrow. "Eccentric? That woman wants a module on marriage in an economics class."

"It's gonna make it a hell of a lot more interesting."

"Or scandalous. Especially in this little Baptist town," Lane smirked. Drama and scandals put into one word would be Lane; the boy literally hungered for it.

But it was true. This was the first time that an economics module would require a certain level of match-making and communication skills. Miss Shannon, the eccentric, would be allowing us to pair up with a partner and form a fake marriage where we basically just solved economic problems found in normal relationships.

Lane and I had already decided to be in the 'marriage' together since I had no one else to go with and Lane didn't want to be hassled by Delilah Raymonds, the girl who'd been trying to make a move on him since she enrolled in Hillview High.

"It's either you or my worst nightmare, Lilianne Scott," Lane pleaded after Delilah had attempted to propose to him in the cafeteria. In front of everyone.

Lane's desperate begging was a sight to see especially since we were both relatively independent friends until exam time.

"Meh. Do you know who's going to go with Alex?" I asked, referring to Lane's other friend when it came to sports and their self-proclaimed 'boy' things.

Lane rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You would think that a boy with such a big ego would have something to back it up. He's asked practically all the girls in the class and each one has said 'no' in one way or another."

"Haha, can't blame them. I would've given the same response if he had asked me," I laughed. 

"He didn't ask you?" Lane asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

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