Oh Well 😓

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So yeah... First book in wattpad.

I did this couze im bored of my life. This will update slowly couze, you know, boarding school sucks and we cant brought any tech i'm tuning insane right now😵 ..... I'm a new and bad writer. So if you wanna mock me go on... Idfc.😑

So enjoy if not... I got A question....

Why Are You Even Here??😑

I gave you guys warnings so yeah. Read again if you dont. I dont Wanna break any freak's innoncent.

(LOL i broke my lil bros innoncent when they r 5😝)

(actually screw that they NEVER be innoncent in the first place😔)

This book gonna be the most fucked up book ever.😏

(I love imojies😁)

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