An unwanted deal-1

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He walked around the multivers, stoping at some random AUs and destroying it just for fun, enjoying every delightful screams that he earn. He actually kinda waiting for a skeleton, his enemy, to show up. But he cant even sense his counterpart anywhere near the AUs he was destroying.

Did the other gived up?


He loves his creations, there's no where the other just stopped on protecting them form the destroyer, Error.

Every minutes became more and more worry some. He need to admit that he is worried for the other not coming after the 5th AU he has destroyed, and now it's already the 15th...


Error stopped. Did... he really worried for the creator?
His sweared enemy?


Did he really has fallen for him?

Like.... fall in love..?

'What the fuck am I thinking?'

Error's body began to shake and he hugged himself. "Nope! Just NOPE!!!" He screamed out. Theres no way he would.... he wasn't supposed to. He kneeled on his knees, looking at the reflection of his face in the waterfalls of the AU he currently destroying.

His face is full of blush. And it hit him hard that he just realised that he have fallen for the other. But the relationship will be almost too impossible to achieve.

He shook his head side to side. Slowly letting himself go.

"What am I thinking about? I would never fall for him. No fucking way. Im just thinking way too much." He mumbled to himself, dusting his cloth off any dirts. He probably just want the fun and trills in their fights. No more than that. His not worried. And he would never fall for the others, much less a soulless one like Ink.

He continued destroying the universe, banging his head a few times as the voices inside his head suddenly decide to tease him with words and saying that he is a masochist. No fucking way he is.

" I would swore on my soul that I will never fall for Ink" he said out loud, closing his eye sockets and pouting with arms crossed, as there is no more citizens around.

"Guess it is a deal~ my beautiful dearly soul ~" a voice whispered out making Error flinched at the low and seductive voice. He look around, but there's no one here.

He decide that it is just his illusion, and just went to other AU to see if Ink maybe came this time.

"Just wait for you to become mine~"


"It's fucking IMPOSSIBLE!!!" The creator scream in frustration. There's no way this is actually happening to him as a soulless being!

"C-calm down Ink!" The positivity guardian nervously trying to calm his soulless friend.

"What so wrong about falling in love? Who do you feel about this anyway?" Dream ask to his friend, he have no idea why Ink so freaked out with falling in love. It's not like he is in love with a bad guy, or whatever, right?

Error Sans Oneshort (verymuchdiscontinued)Where stories live. Discover now