Nighterror +18

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My phone broke and this is the 3rd time I write this today...

Errors POV

I am destroying a copy of underlust. God Dammit I don't know why Ink keep creating this universe's copy. For God sake they are weird,  always making weird and disturbing noises that make me feel like wanna puke and for a reason I think they eat cats.  Probably  because I heard lust say he love to eat pussies. Honestly that's creepy.

So right now I was searching the damn sans. I have search him at the judgment  hall but he wasn't there.  Grillbys? Nope. His house?  Nope his centry?  Nah.  I was about to give up on searching for him When suddenly I felt like that was a stringe on my neck.  I can't move at all cause I was hold by the blue magic.  Fuck...  The sans actually here and I accidentally let my guard  down.

He suddenly let me go .  Im gonna run away if my Fucking legs doesn't fell like jelly.  Why the fuck is this happening??!!

"well well well. How a sweet creature  like you can be right here? Not like I'm gonna  Waste you. You will be really great for My Bed Dinner Tonight~"

Oh god don't tell me he is gonna eat me!!  I thought horror was the only cannibalism in this multiverse.

"Fuck off don't get near me!! "

"still have energy to yell. You surprised  me.  Well you know, I think I already get hungry how about we start our even now, sweetie ~~"

I began to pant and try to back little by little. I feel my body get hoter and hoter until I suddenly can't move my body at all., all I could do is watching my Predator come Near to me.

Oh god what can he actually eat from Just  bones?

Nightmare POV

Ughh..  Why?  WHY CANT I STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM??! Thinking about his cute face,  beautiful eyes thinking about him under me,  screaming  my name begging for me to- that's enough Nightmare. You guys wasn't even a friend nor couple.  Why in hell must I fall for the destroyer  of all people?? 

Now I wonder where the fuck he is? What is he doing and stuff. Ugghh I guess I'll give him a visit.  This feeling and thoughts can't get out of my minds at all. Well where would a destroyer go?

After a few minutes later

Where in hell is he???!! I've search him everywhere,  anti-void,  outertale,  under swap,  save screen,  everywhere!!  Where should he be right now? 

Destroying of course!!! But what universe?

I'm just going to random universe.  If I was really in love with him I'll find him but if not this damn feeling is fake.

I open a random portal and step inside.

I was behind a tree.  I was aBout to walk away until I heard a voice-no error yelling.

"p-please don't come any-any closer!! "

Honestly that doesn't sound like Something he would say but the voice is his.

I peek from behind the tree and saw what something that make my heart  hurts and burn from anger.

That slut is pinning my error on the ground.

I was beyond  mad I am pissed . Their face is only a few Ince away And error look like hes about to cry of fear. About to touch each other lips, I kick the slut off my error And stab him at his soul and throw his dusting body in the forest.

I looked at error and he is a panting mess. Probably because too much endeline rushing thought his body or maybe something else.

I notice he is hugging himself and he close his legs as tight as he could.

Error Sans Oneshort (verymuchdiscontinued)Where stories live. Discover now