Chapter 27

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"Uhm... Hi..." (Y/N) said shyly

Dark Pit just glared at her

"So uhh... Nice night we're having... The stars are beautiful..."

Dark Pit just stayed silent and walked next to her and sat down

"Oh... Well I'll just lea-"

"I thought you wanted to watch the stars?" Dark Pit asked while raising a brow

(Y/N)'s eyes gleamed and she quickly sat next to him with a goofy smile. When she realized that she was too close to him she mumbled a 'sorry' and scooted away a little

"No need to scoot away... You can sit next to me." Dark Pit said while looking at her

"O-oh alright!"

She went and sat next to him

"What were we like back then..." (Y/N) asked breaking the silence

"Well... At first we were enemies..."

"Oh... So that explains why you're cold towards me... Haha..." She laughed nervously

"But then you changed... You were pretty strong too! You could've taken down a balunca bare handed!"

"No way! I wonder if I'm still that strong..."

"Don't worry... We'll get you back in shape in no time~"

Silence fell. The two were quietly watching the stars

"It's gotten really late... We have to train tomorrow... Let's g-"

Dark Pit looked to his right just to see (Y/N)'s head on his shoulder,snoring softly.

Just like that day... But at least you're back... Just like Mania said...

Dark Pit picked her up in bridal style and went to her room

When he got in the room he slowly placed her onto the bed. When he was going to leave he felt something tugging on his tunic

(Y/N)'s hand was lightly tugging his tunic but since she was asleep she didn't have much strength making her hand fall down immedietly

"I don't...ant to b... alon...again..."
She said softly

I don't want to be alone again?

Dark Pit sighed and sat next to her bed and slowly caressed her hair

Then he remembered what Sean had said to him

'Take good care of her ok...'

He was still wondering about those words...

Just what in the world did they mean

The next day

(Y/N) woke up and looked around. The last thing she remembered was aatching the stars then everything went blank. She noticed someone had their head on the bed,snoring softly

She took another glance at the person sleeping and she noticed it was Dark Pit. Her face started turning red and she started panicking until she noticed his hair

'Looks... Fluffy...'

She then slowly reached out to his hair, playing with it slowly

The only thing she didn't know that the other angel was awake but was acting to be asleep

He was actually enjoying her touch so he wanted it to last

He then wanted to see her reaction to him waking up so he decided to do just that

He started to lift his head up slowly making the girl tense up

"Ugh... What..." He started to rub his eyes this made (Y/N) blush even more

"Uhhhh.... Good morning!" She said nervously

She still had her bed hair making her look a little cute.

'Dangit... She's acting cute again...'

"Whatever..." He mumbled and went back to his room

(Y/N) sighed
"And I thought that I finally made it up to him... Guess it was just a midnight mood..."

She then got up and combed her hair and went outside

She found the others in the dining area eating breakfast

Mania looked exhausted
"Hey Mania! What's wrong? You look terrible!"

(Y/N) sat next to her friend who looked like as if she had never slept before

"You don't look better either..." Reipa said,sweatdropping

She was eating cereal and looking into oblivion with half open eyes

"Uhmm... Mania..." (Y/N) nudged her friend, she still didn't respond

"She won't talk... We tried everything..." Sean said while sighing

Suddenly Pit came into the room and went to get breakfast and sat next to the others. He sat right in front of Mania and gave her a huge smile


This made Mania snap out of her gaze and blink. Her face got a little red

"Morning..." She replied

The three noticed her actions and smirked devilly

"You have teased us for over 1,000 years Mania~ It's our turn now~" Sean said while smirking

Then they teased the sleep deprived monster

"But really... You look terrible!" (Y/N) said again

"As if you don't look any different from me! Look at your dark circles!" Mania said pointing at her friend

The two argued for a minute then gave up

"Alright... Fine... I had a nightmare last night and I couldn't sleep..." Mania confessed

"Uhh... You mean this guy?" (Y/N) said pointing at Sean

"No not him... The other one..."

"There was another Sean?!" (Y/N) yelled shocked

Mania sighed and explained what happened

"Oh dear... I-I'm so sorry..." She hung her head low

"No worries~" They all reassured the little angel

Some days have passed and nothing was happening

"Ugh! I'm so bored!" Reipa said leaning to Sean

"Me too..." Sean placed his head onto Reipa's head

They all were sitting on the grass and pondering on what to do

"I'm gonna say let's play Jenga but... I'm actually not in the mood..." Mania said as she flopped down

"You? Not in the mood for Jenga? This ain't it chef." Sean said

"Har har! Funny demon you are!" Mania said sarcasm filling her voice

"Hey guys~" They all looked behind to see the (h/c) hair coloured girl approaching them

"Whatchu doing~?"

"Being bored..."

To be continued

I am SO SORRY!!! I had the worst writers block in this chapter!!! Forgive me dear reader!!! And I'm sorry that I took so long! I had exams and writers block wasn't helping....

See you guys in the next Chapter!❤

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