Chapter 35

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"Everyone assemble at the throne room it's an emergency!"

Palutena's angelic voice boomed in their heads as the group was eating breakfast

All of them exchanged looks then ran out of the dining hall quickly making their way towards the throne room

When they went in they saw Palutena standing with her staff floating next to her while she was looking at the holograms infront of her and Emm was standing next to her observing the holograms with wide eyes while covering her mouth with her hands

"What's wrong Lady Palutena!" Pit asked while gasping for air after the run

Palutena hesitated for a second the sent a hologram towards the group making it bigger so that it would be easily seen

She turned her attention to the other hologram that floated next to her

She closed her mouth with her hand then started talking

"It's Raielle! She's back and she's not alone!" The goddess said as she looked straight towards the group
"She's using the Underworld army to create a huge war between humans just like Hades did with the wish!"

"We can't let that happen!" Pit yelled in anger while stomping his foot

"No shit! That's why we're called remember!?" Reipa retorted

"Both of you shut up! We have an important matter in our hands!" (Y/N) turned towards the goddess
"Lady Palutena do you know if Raielle has anyone by her side except the Underworld army?"

The goddess looked at the holograms again and shook her head
"I'm not quite sure... But enough pondering! I'll open a gate so you all can get into battle!"

"Now wait a second! What can we even do?! Aren't gods not allowed to interfere with mankinds affairs?!" Mania reasoned

"Yes that is correct... But I'm not telling you to stop the war I'm telling you to stop the army before anymore casualties happen! Now go!"

After Palutena's speech the throne rooms gate opened with a loud 'bang'
But this time instead of the outside world it was a dark alley that they all had to walk through so that they could reach the battlefield

As they all made it to the battlefield they noticed Raielle sitting on top of a Balunca while cheering on her troops

"Finally! Geez I thought you were never going to come!"

Viridi's voice made everyone snap out of their daze

"We're sorry Viridi! We had a little meeting before coming here!" Palutena responded in the same voice as Viridi

"Enough talking! Get to work!" Dark Pit yelled as he flew towards a bunch of Underworld monsters shooting them one by one, showing no mercy

While they were mercilessly murdering Underworld Monsters Raielle finally decided to speak

"Well well well! Let me look at the group!" She said while adjusting her eye so she could see thr group from far away "Ah! The infamous reaper! Why don't we surprise her everyone! Reapers! Forward! Now!" Raielle's voice boomed as she pointed towards Reipa making all of the reapers attack their own

"Reipa! Watch out!" Sean's yelled as he blocked a hit from the reaper with his shoulder

Reipa turned around to see Sean falling down while drops of blood were dripping down from his shoulder


Reipa quickly flew towards the boy who was about to hit the ground. She was able to catch him but his weight was too much and considering she was tired from the fighting she also started to descend slowly to place her beloved safely on the ground

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