Care for me or hurt me

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Jongho frowned as he watched Yeosang talking with Yeomin again , by now people started shipping them kinda , some were like , " both of them have Yeo in their names , it's fate . Maybe the name of their kid would be Minsang or something " .

It made Jongho mad , his blood boiled whenever he saw Yeomin . Yeomin seemed to know , she would smirk when she saw Jongho glare at them .

Jongho sighed , dropping his things on the table , startling the other boys who watched . The younger boy stomped to Yeosang , Yeosang turned around expecting a normal Jongho but he didn't expect to see a furious Jongho , his face seemed less cute and more to the side of mad , serious mad . Jongho yanked Yeosang , pulling him without a word , " Ah- Jongho, let go , where are you bringing me ? " Yeosang was being dragged by Jongho literally . Jongho pushed Yeosang into the male bathroom , locking the door behind him . Lucky for them no one was in with them .

" What is this about Jongho ? " Yeosang sighed , wincing as he rubbed on the bruise that was growing on his wrist , Jongho didn't know what to say but he only knew what to do , holding his anger back , they younger boy sighed , and looked up at Yeosang ,
" I'm so-sorry... I-i'm sorry " Jongho saw the pained look n the older's face and felt guilt wash over himself ,
Yeosang didn't feel the same anymore .

" Jongho , you're not acting right , I don't know what's wrong with you . "
Yeosang had disappointment written on his expression , Jongho was close to crying but he held it in , he didn't know why his tears we're forming and why his throat was burning , he felt himself choking on the air bundled up in his throat .

" I.. I- , I can't- " Jongho was struggling to speak . Yeosang sighed , holding Jongho's shoulders and shaking him lightly , the boy snapped out for a second , " What is wrong with you , you always get mad or something when I talk with Yeomin and only Yeomin . What is it " Yeosang looked into Jongho's eyes . " I don't like her " was the only thing Jongho could choke out . It wasn't even what he wanted to say , he wanted to say way more , Yeosang's expression was now worse , " Why do you not like her ? And are you both fighting or something because you never have gotten this mad . " Yeosang looked at Jongho now with a pleading look ,
" I- , I don't like seeing her with you " Jongho choked out again, tears falling for some reason , " why ? " Yeosang didnt wipe away the tears like he would , Jongho felt tears , he tried to hold them back but he would just choke , " Because.... because she wants you " Jongho croaked out .

" What's wrong about that ? "

Jongho P.O.V

I don't know . I know . I don't . I know .but I don't .

" .... I don't want her to take you "

" Why can't you let me just live my life ? I love you everyday and give you my attention ,I don't see anything wrong with getting a girlfriend , she is nice and looks like she won't ignore me when she doesn't need me , I think it's a good thing for once "

" I... Yeosang but you have me "

" Yeah , I do ? Tell me what makes me think that way . Well first of all you only come to me when you want to be loved , remember the first time we kissed , your reason was so bad , you want me to prove you're perfect the way you are ? Well you don't want me , you just want my words and care . Second , you kiss me and leave me , do you know how fucking hard it is to live with someone like you ? You can't see a thing and you're so delusive , if you stopped being selfish for once you maybe could see what you have been breaking ? Remember that day when you said you want to care for me ? That felt warm , but you didn't pay attention to my feelings , all you saw was when I cried or was scared but did you know , the only problem I had was you . How can't you see it ? " Yeosang spoke in a broken voice .

I felt bad . I don't know why but I felt myself break , it hurt so hard , so bad . So, so , bad . Why did it hurt this way ?

I watched as Yeosang left , sinking to the floor , my legs gave up . Why ?

Was I that bad ? Did he hate me but only keep up with me because I was dependant and he was a good person ?

I was right , no one liked me , they won't like someone like me . Insensitive .

But why did he break me ? No , why did I break HIM ?

I am his burden , was . I was .

Now all I am is his past , at least that's what I want to be .

He is an angel.... Why'd I break him ?
There is no more tears , but they flow down .

I sinned , I hurt him , I've sinned.

I hurt him
I hurt him
I hurt him
I hurt him

I need to pay .

I need to die.

Jongho was limp , no reaction as his eyes watched his friends swarm around him , he saw Yeomin smile from the doorway .

Seonghwa was worried , everyone was .

Mingi , Wooyoung and Yunho tried to stop Yeosang who was leaving , enraged . They couldn't , Yeosang just gave them a deaf ear and left .

Jongho got brought to the bench , the three who came back noticed his eyes , his look itself changed . There were tears but no emotion . He wasn't frowning , he wasn't smiling.

Jongho , for the first time was empty .

His eyes stared into nowhere ,he ignored everyone , pushed them away . His lips hung open like a horror movie but it seemed to sad to be one .

Seonghwa shook his head and sighed ,
" I'll bring him home , he needs Yeo- " Seonghwa paused , remembering that Yeosang was the reason to the crying boy , he didn't know what to do . Before he could speak , Jongho grabbed his bag , his stuff and left , Hongjoong gave him the keys to His shared home with Mingi and Wooyoung , which Jongho took without a word .

The boys felt broken , it wasn't their tears but they felt their eyes hurt from it anyways .

( Sorry my hoes )

Marshmallow (Yungi, Seongjoong, Woosan, Yeojong) Where stories live. Discover now