Now you're dead...

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The only detail I remember about the day was that it was raining. I don’t even remember what day of the week it was. It all started when my mum went away for work and I was left home alone. I wasn’t scared or anything, I had done it a million times before. But this time was different; I had this gut feeling that it wouldn’t turn out the way it was supposed to.                                                                  

After saying goodbye to my mum, I made my way into the kitchen. As I walked past the door leading to the linen closed I heard something that sounded somewhat like a cough from beyond the door, but it wasn’t just a cough, it sounded more inhumane. Slowly stepping closer to the door, I reached for the handle and anxiously opened it. Once inside, I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Crouching down, I shifted some of the coats so I could see the carpet. Nothing seemed out of order or as if anything or anyone had previously been inside. As I began to close the door I saw a piece of paper resting above a coat hanger. Once I had grabbed it and opened it up, I realised it wasn’t just paper. It was a note:

Beware; ultimate termination is close at hand.                                                                              Up the stairs you shall meet destruction.

I don’t exactly know what I felt as I read the note, perhaps turmoil and bewilderment. I mean, what was I expected to feel? I didn’t believe the note, but it was questionable as to how it got there. I didn’t have any other siblings, my dad left long ago and my mum was certainly not the type of person to pull a prank on someone. There was just no explanation. Brushing it off, I continued to make my way into the kitchen. Deciding on making mac & cheese, I walked into the pantry to get all the ingredients. As I was turning on the oven the phone began to ring.

“Hello, Holly speaking.”                                                                                                                                           There was silence for about thirty seconds, just as I was about to hang up it spoke two words and ended the call.                                                                                                                                                                       “Be careful.”

I must admit, that got me shaking in my boots. But I managed to persuade myself into believing it was just some kid prank calling me. I was no longer hungry, once I turned off the oven I thought I would do the least creepy thing possible. Walking into the lounge room, I turned on the TV. After I got comfy on the couch I reached to the coffee table to grab the remote. Once in hand I noticed that there was something on the back of it. Turning the remote over I saw another note, it read:

Thy can omit,                                                                                                             but the fate of you cannot be alternated.

That was when I really began to question what was happening. Who was doing this and why? I had two options, I could call the police, or I could try and stay as calm as I could and ignore the possibility that here could be a crazy person in my house sending me possible death threats. Deciding that there was not enough evidence to call the police, I went with the latter.

By that time it was already about 10:00pm. I decided to hit the hay and go to bed. Walking up the stairs I made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth. What I didn’t expect to find was another note hiding behind the toothpaste:

You have had your cautioning.                                                                                                         Be prepared for demolition

Now I was ready to call the police. As I made my way to the phone I began to hear the inhumane coughing again. But it was different this time… louder. I was now officially freaking out. I reached for the phone and dialled the number, but I didn’t hear anything. Not even a dial tone. I checked the power plug and everything seemed fine. Giving up on the home phone, I reached into my pocked for my mobile. The phone began to connect, but my success was limited.                                                                                                                                 “sorry, your call cannot be connected.”                                                                           I was met with the engage tone.

That was when I saw it, the note at the end of the hallway. It read in big bold letters:

Now you’re dead.

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