chapter 8

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Annie's p.o.v

I feel dizzy i want to faint or better i can just fade away from this place with just one single blow... but something wont let me fade away.. It's like it keeps pulling me back into them without letting go.. and i feel happy that they dont at all. Annie? Annie are you ok? i snap myself back and looks towards jeff and smiles, yea I'm fine i was just in my own little world like always. jeff holds both my hands, I'm glad ur ok annie. I wouldnt want you to feel bad when we get to the pastas house. I nod then look around, are we almost there? jeff nods, yea just a couple of more blocks. I was about to say something else when someone cut me off. Well well well if it isnt jeff and that stupid human girl. Jeff growls in anger, BEN!!! why are you here!! Ben smirks in amusement, well dear friend im here to bring that human faster there slendy is really mad at you for taking so long. Jeff pulls out his knife, I'm not going to let you take annie away from me!! she's mine!! i stand there shocked when Jeff said those words... can jeff really care about me... i feel myself  drown back into my thoughts not even paying attention on what's going on around me. i feel like I'm in this little bubble thats been protecting me for years now.. this bubble is my only protection and best friend some how.. Ben grabs my arm pulling me towards him making me realize whats going on. Ben!! Let her go now!! i see the anger and hatred in jeffs eyes.. he looks so fired up and ready to kill this ben person... but should i just watch? Or escape somehow... i need to find a way out of here and run into the light if not I'm stuck in the dark forever.. jeff!! please lets go now!! i cry out with tears streaming down my face holding out my hand trying to reach him because he is the one... he is the light i need to clear this whole darkness from inside of me..... and make me have my own light again and start fresh... and feel someone more than sadness all the time... annie!!! Jeff grabs me and carries me and runs far away from bens sight. He keeps running non stop, hes not even out of breathe at all.. he just keeps running... until we  finally reach our destination... my so called new home...

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