The dance disaster

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(Lizzy's POV)

I soul Logan walk in with his big crush Anna. I told this to my enemy Cole,  who Anna dared me to dance with. He stopped and so did I. They were so cute together. Logan with his dark black, golden eyes, and his pale white skin.  Went perfect with Anna's blonde hair, and blue eyes… and her dress was hot red. They came in and everyone started to stare. I hissed to get their attention and told them to back off.

      They did as told and went back to the dance. Logan came up and said, “This was a part of the plan, wasn't it?” He looked at me with a sad expression and had a leader tone. Man this is what I get for trying to help? Hmm, should've seen it coming. “I'm going home see ya!” I was walking to the  doors when Logan grabbed me. “You don't need to do that.”

      “Your right!” I shook his hand off and went back to Cole. He rolled his eyes when I came back. “Trust me, I hate this as much as you do.” He nodded. "I know. Thirsty?” I smiled. To be honest I don't know why we are enemies. Cause for some reason I kinda like him. “Yep! What about you puppy?” He smiled and act like he was choking me and I couldn't help but grin. “You are gonna pay for that Sunshine.” If we weren't doing this for fun we would look like a couple.

     We got our drinks and started to trash talk to each other. Logan and Anna came in and looked like the party was awful. Cole soul it too and said, “well the plan didn't work out well.”  I looked at Cole and stoke my tongue out like a kid. We started to laugh, but something hit me. Pain shot thru my spine. 

      But then we heard Logan and Anna arguing.

       I ran to Logan. “What are you two arguing about?” I yelled at them coming back to my old self. “He said Selena Gomez is better than Taylor Swift!”

“Oh, I thought it was something important.” I said in a sarcastic voice. “Of course you think it's dumb!” Said Logan looking at me. Oh great he's making me feel guilty! “ Why are you always like this? I'm going home!”

    I went to the doors dodging the stupid little humans. I finally got to the doors. Great! It's raining!  

    I started to walk out into the street. The sky was beautiful and sexy. Well a kind of dark sexy. Ah, I got sexy in my head! The wind started to blow like crazy.

   For a second I thought I was alone in the world. Then someone grabbed my arm. I shook it off my arm. “who do you think you are…” it was Logan. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?”  Of course he  yells at me!

   I look at him in disgust and started to walk to my home. He ran up to me. “Lizzy? You have to learn how to control your temper an…” I interrupt him. “Can you shut up for once! I don't even know why I'm friends with you?” I said to him. Instead of walking I started to run.

     And of course he came running after me. “ Stop running!” He yelled at me. “Why should I!” I yelled back. I keep running farther and farther away from the world. Intel boom, thump, thump. My heart! I stop running and fell on my butt on the wet road. I started to cry. I don't know why, but I did. Apparently my brain can sense pain when I don't.

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