The rest of the group!

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(Leon POV)

Finally class is finally done! I may looked like I was in the zone, but really I was only thinking like a dead man bone! Damn I knew I should have took therapy! Anyway Logan said I get to see the rest of his gang after class. Which means I get to meet Cole, Anna, and Jermey. The three I haven't met yet and they probably think I'm a wanna be. Actually I'm pretty sure I am a wanna be, but who cares. I am funny like Lizzy and Logan are. So maybe I still have a chance, and I do help others in need. Example Sandy, I helped her. She was always hurt, so I did what was right.

Well I think it was right? Anyway it's time. "Logan where are the others?"

"There coming Leon, just wait." I started to wait like he said and soon I could hear them coming. "Hi Logan!" Said two voice's in unison. One was Anna, she has bright dirty blonde hair in a braid and blue eyes. The eyes could hold so many hearts. It was breathe taking.

The other one was a boy name Jermey I presume he had this Playboy look. His hair is all on one side of his head. The hair seems to be a mix of brunette and blonde, mostly brunette.

"Guys this is Leon. He wants to join the group."

" What makes you want to join the group?" Jermey said in this deep husky voice. He kinda sounds like a fighter to be honest, but with this gang they all probably fighters.

"First off I seriously need friends or my mom would go all Beerus on me!" Jermey smirk at that, while Anna looked so confused but said nothing. "Second I already getting along with Logan and Lizzy. I don't know about John, but that guy was a serious dick to me, so pretty much it. Also, I know how to fight and I defended all my previous friends who all seemed to betrayed me. I mean there such jackass's! Who does that to their friends!"

"Aw, can we keep him Logan?" Anna asked. Sweet! Anna is already wants me on the gang. "You know I don't control this gang. You need to ask Lizzy and John. If one agrees then yes we could keep him."

"Yes! He's so adorable!" Anna started to pinch my cheeks. "Umm, thanks?"

"Anna let go of his cheeks your acting like my overdramatic grandma." Jermey said with a grin. While Anna looked like she was about to kill someone. "Why you little,"

"Sorry I'm late I had a teacher talk. Which is," he paused when he soul me, " who's this?"

"Wow, feel the love!"

"Uhh?" Cole looked between his friends. First he looked at Jermey he just shurged. Next he looked at Anna she smiled. Then last Logan, Logan sighed and said, "this is Leon." I waved at him. He looked a bit overwhelmed with my presence.

"He wants to join the gang! And Logan said we could keep him if Lizzy or John agrees to keep him!" Anna said in this adorable voice! I swear to the God's she's so cute!

"Oh, so you really want to join?"

"Yes, and before you ask I don't care if heaven won't take me back. And if you accept me, I will be a warrior for your needs!"

I heard clapping so out of instincts I took a bow. "That was wonderful new guy." I know that voice out of nowhere. It was, gulp, my new leader. "Hi John." The others said in unison.

"I swear you guys are robots!" I told them Anna started to giggle, while the others shook their heads.
"So Lizzy told me you wanted to be in the gang. Is that true?"

"Umm, yes." Why am I so nervous right now. He looked me up and down. Then finally he just shurged, "So who wants him on the gang?" He looked behind me. I turned around rather fast. Which gave me a headache. "Dang brain!"

They all looked at me like I was some kid. "What I got a headache. I'm just trying to make sure it understands me."

"That makes no sense to me, so I say yes." Cole said, then came the others. "Yes!"

John looked at all of us and said, "Okay welcome to the group, new kid."

"My name is Leon, not new kid."

"I call you whatever I want to call you. Right, babe?"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me babe!" Lizzy walked in from behind him. "I for one hate the word and the content that it is in! SO STOP CALLING ME BABE!"

"Is it weird that I want to sing call you maybe?" I whispered to the others. Who all started to laugh, and I couldn't help but feel good...

so good...

so good...

I got a feeling. Awe!

Yup, this is going to be a long day. Felt something tug on my shirt I looked to my left to see Anna. "Leon, which class do you have next?"

"Umm, that's a great question." I took out my schedule.

Let's see, First hour is Mrs. Lackey, math, room 101. Second hour is Mr. O'Reilly, science, room 238. Third hour is Mrs. Deer, biology, room 116. Fourth hour is Mr. Snape, English, room 5972... Haha I just realized I made that up... It was 597, but I was close. I really need to stop reading and watching Harry Potter, nah I should watch more! I started to laugh like a mad man.


"Ugh?" Suddenly I started coughing, which is really not good. The pain felt like something was stuck in my throat. "Leon? Do we need to take you to the nurse office?" Anna looked at me all concerned like I was her child and she was my mother. I shook my head cause I couldn't get the the words out. Cole started patting my back, which only made it worse I started coughing harder. Why does this always happens to me? Cause really I don't know.

There was a water jug right in front of me. "Take a drink and try not to spit it out." That's Logan voice alright not too weak and not too strong, just right... God I sound like a girl! I quickly grabbed the jug and took a long drink without coughing. "Thanks." Was all I could say without thinking that I was gonna puke out my guts. When I turn around that was the first time I soul Lizzy sad for me. She looked a little bit scared too, but Logan was already there before me. He took her into his arms and whispered softly into her ears. Whatever he said made her stop.

She coughed and then cleared her throat. "Sorry it's just you remind me of my relative who started coughing and then he died! Right in front of me!"

"Oh, right! Wasn't it Uncle David?" Anna said like she knew what she was saying, but I could see that she was lying. Lizzy nodded her head like crazy, it giving me a headache just by watching her. "Yeah, it was. It was a tragic! Now each time I cough my mom starts to freak out." I also could tell she was lying, but something told me not all of it was a lie. Logan nodded as well then he finally said something, "Better get to class. Leon what class do you have next?" What a good question.... Wasn't it in one of the Percy Jackson books?

"It's a name from Percy Jackson. That's all I remember." John surprisingly knew, "he has Mr. O'Reilly next. I'll show him." Just like that I was on my way to the highway to hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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