Chapter 6: Cheesecake

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(Vanessa as Vanessa Hudgens) (The Diamond)

I went through 3 period, ignoring the royals around me in 2nd period, studied in the library, with Ross just on the book shelfs just staring at me, i learned to ignore him

I casually ignored Tyler, Ariana, and Nick in science, sat far away from Dave and Aria in English and was off to Art class... not my favorite subject

I walked into the room filled with canvas and short stools in front of them in the row, facing the front of the class like a studio or something

I could see Louis, the Mad Hatter, sitting around while drinking a cup of coffee... or it might just be tea, who knows

The teacher told me to go pick a canvas, so i took one that was next to Louis. the teacher seemed nice, she had a spanish accent that i like to fake when i'm Nina, the model.

Louis looked at me and smiled warmly, i gave him a small smile and waited for class to start. he seemed like a nice guy, i didn't know if he acted somewhat the same like the real Mad Hatter in the movie, but if he drinks enough coffee, i can see him just asking me repeatedly if i want some

More students came in and a girl with bouncy brown curls and a bright smile came in with a cake holder in her arms, she came towards Louis and I and stopped when she saw me, she had a diamond shaped necklace on

"Oh! hello!" she smiled and eyed my chest "oh! you're the girl everyone was talking about"

"I-is this your seat..?" i asked nervous

"It was but you can have it!" she placed her holder on a near counter and sat down next to me, still smiling "i'm Vanessa! the diamond! art is my passion! for every ad and mural on the walls, to the newspaper, and yearbook, All me!" i smiled and looked at my canvas "do you paint?"

"I guess i'm alright..." i shrugged

"Would you like to try my cheese cake? i made it in culinary" i shook my head no

"No thank you..."

"Do you not like it?" she frowned, i flinched, i don't like when people frown

"I do, it's just that-"

"You can come by our table at lunch to pick up a slice"

"But i-"

"It's not a problem! i like sharing"

"Er..." i didn't know wether to even try talking with her, she keeps cutting me off, but she's still nice

"Sorry..." i frowned "i don't do sweets" i lied eyeing my canvas, I could see Louis from the corner of my eye just staring at me, he knew i was lying, i ate a lot of sweets this morning

"Awe.." she pouted "well, you can still come sit with us if you like" before i could say something, the teacher walked to the front of the class and started talking

"Okay class! you have one canvas! your not getting another! now i want you to paint both what your thinking and how you see life, it'll be a combination! i'm checking for creativity! and begin!" seems easy enough

I picked up a flat wood plate, took a brush to dip it in the red, put it on the plate, then put some white into it to make a light pink. then covered the 20x24 canvas with it

I drew a silhouette girl with brown hair, wearing a red heart top ball gown on the side of the canvas while wearing Nina's own masquerade, i gave her red lips to make her shadow figure top

I then started on a large bended clock on the top corner, opposite from Nina. before i could use the black to do the numbers and edges of the bended white circle, the bell rang... i guess i got lost in my own little world

I looked at Vanessa's painting and saw a well detailed, unfinished picture of what looks like Dave holding a puppy, i smiled. she blushed and hid her painting "it's not what you think!"

"Sure it's not!" Louis laughed, she scowled

"Hush up! take that cake to the cafeteria!" he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, i looked at his painting and saw a whole lot of pizza and donuts... looks whose hungry

"I don't follow you, remember?" He picked up the cake holder "but i'm gonna take it because it's my job to serve" i raised my brow


"I'm the Mad server, it's my job to serve the court!" he smiled, i cocked my head and made a face

"They're making you be like this?" he shook and smiled

"Its my duty to serve, it's something i enjoy to do, just like Tyler enjoys putting smiles on peoples faces" i shook my head and walked away, he had to be kidding me!

"Wait! where you going?" Vanessa called

"Leaving" i said without looking back at them. i want to go to the library, but the only way to get there was to cross the cafeteria full of people... i'm not looking forward to this

The cafeteria looked too fancy to be a cafeteria. The walls were brown, the lights were dim, the floor brown tiled, the tables were like the ones in restaurants. the seats were cushioned, and there was black iron gates separating sections of the area

The Royals sat in the back middle, in the largest table and looked like you can put a feast on it. They were near a small cart with smaller plates on it, Louis wore a apron and serving them... Agh..

I crossed everyone and heard a familiar voice yelling out in the cafeteria and making people laugh, Tyler was on the table while on his hands, surrounded by the court, Rob and that one bunny girl

Tyler really did enjoy being a joker, he got back on his feet and jumped back in the floor, later spotting me "Elena!" i flinched and ran out, he's going to make me sit with them! thats what Vanessa wanted!

I reached the library out of breath and rested my hands on my knees tiredly... "hey" i heard Ross's voice call, i looked beside me and jumped, my heart jumped out my chest... i hope i don't get my panic attacks i get randomly... another part of my condition

Ross stared at me blankly, wearing a tight black shirt with a white skull, a belt choker on his neck with a cross hanging, baggy black pants with dozens of pockets, chains hanging from his belt holes, and i think i see a tattoo of a skull with roses on his upper arm...

"Whats wrong with you?" he asked crossing his arms, i calmed my breathing and took a step back

"Why do you care?" i snarled, he grinned and looked away

"Look sweet heart, i could care less if you don't like me, but i saw what those guys did to you in the hall. i know you don't want me to tell the court about this do yah? or about your disease" i looked at the floor

"Why are you stalking me?" he chuckled

"Its like asking why a murder kills, you can't really get an answer" i guess he was right "but if you want me to keep your secrets, i want you to do a little something for me" he stepped closer, i took a step back and bumped into the wall, he put his hands on the side of my face and leaned alittle closer, i closed my eyes

"W-what?" my voice cracked, he leaned into my ear, sending me chills

"Hm.." he hummed in my ear "i need you to stay away from the court" i blinked confused as he backed away

"Excuse me?"

"The court doesn't need someone like you around them, you're a trouble maker. we don't need trouble makers here in this school, you're better off by yourself" i laughed dryly and pushed him away slowly, making him surprised

"Look gothic boy, i have no interest in anyone, i don't start conversations. i can't control who talks to me" i held my hands to my side "time is limited... and i'm not going to waste my time on you royals, or anyone for that matter" i turned away "i don't have alot of time left..."

"W-what do you mean?" he stuttered confused, i looked behind my shoulder to look at him

"Like i said, i'm not wasting my time..." i walked away

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