Chapter 9: Magazine

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(Dave as Dave Franco) (The Heart [Breaker])

I woke up the next morning and stretched... i had a weird dream, i was face to face with Tyler in a nurse office, i was mad at him because... well, i didn't remember why, but i saw that the court, Aria, Vanessa, and Ross were there with a guilty look on their face, i was mad at everyone... i didn't know why

I got dressed in a white long sleeve, blue shorts over some black leggings, a jean jacket, and i put my hair up in a bun. Put my white toms on and went off down stairs to feed both me and Dinah

I heard laughing coming from the kitchen, when i got there, i saw mom and Tyler near the stove while mom cooked and he just stood there wearing a nice black and grey hoodie over a dark grey shirt and dark blue jeans. His smile was so dashing, mom spotted me

"Good morning!" She smiled, Tyler looked up and flashed a bright smile

"Why are you here?" I asked

"I was going to give you a ride, remember?" Oh yeah...

"Elena! You never told me your friend was so handsome and funny!" Mom giggled and put the food in two plates

"He's not my friend mom" i sighed, she rolled her eyes and handed me my large plate of eggs, potato, chopped veggies, and sausage, i happily took it "thank you!" I sat down and started eating while she gave me a cup of milk

She then gave the plate to Tyler "thank you" he smiled "Ama! Come and eat!" He yelled out, Ama was here?

She came from the living room with her uniform and a high ponytail, she smiled brightly when she saw me "Ellie!" She hugged me, i giggled and looked at her funny


"Its short for Elena, is that okay?" I shrugged

"I guess" she sat down next to me and was given her own food, through she didn't have as much in her plate as i did, i ate regularly and happily

"So how did you two meet?" Mom asked sitting down next to me, Tyler sat across from me, i just continued eating

"Well" he started with a smile "i was on my way to the bathroom when i walked pass the nurse office and Elena ran into me, i cracked a joke but she didn't laugh" he laughed, i rolled my eyes and smiled

"thats cute!" She smiled and looked at me with eyes full of hope, i knew what she was thinking. The two talked about things and laughed alot. Once i was finished eating, i went up to wash both mine and Ama's dish

"We'll meet you outside" Tyler said then turn to mom "thankyou for the food"

"Oh no problem sweet heart! Are you sure you don't want anything for yourself?" She frowned, he nodded

"I'm fine, i'll just grab a coffee or something, its no big deal, thank you again!" He walked out with Ama waving in a adorable way. I sighed and put the clean dishes away

"He's cute" mom smiled "why don't you give him a chance?"

"You know exactly why i can't do that mom..." I frowned and drank my milk "we can't be friends, i don't want to get him hurt, nobody should get attached"

"Hate to break it to you but i think its alittle to late" i tilted my head confused "he's already attached to you. when he got here, all he can talk about was wanting you to open up and make you happy. Even if you try to get rid of him, or make him hate you, by the time your... You know..." She frowned "he'll know why you didn't want friends and will become sad either way... Its too late to change it" i sighed

"I didn't want him to get attached, he just wanted to be my friend as soon as we met, i didn't even try to do anything" i frowned picking up my bag

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