Rebellion meet Ezra\Clan Wren

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(Sabine pov)
I was in Sato command ship with ezra in his robot mode and he was watching me has I show him some of my drawings I made this one is the first painting I made back on my home planet ezra I told him he give me a thumbs up and I smile at ezra thanks I said then Sato walk in miss wren I like to speak to you in private he said sure here ezra find one you like and you can keep it i said has he take my picture and look throw them what is it commander i ask him do you think it a good idea to bring that thing to chopper base he may have a tracker on him or a camera he may be a new droid from the empire sato said has he look at ezra sato ezra it not a droid we found him in a river and by the look of the mine he must have fought the empire and i bet he doesn't know how to fight or fire a blaster look he harmless i said has i point to him looking at my paintings right he may be harmless but he will try something and when he do i'm ordering the men to destroy him sato said and left i sigh and walk back to ezra so did you find one i ask him and he show me it that one sure keep it i said and the ramp open come on ezra and watch where you walk please i said has i walk down the ramp and ezra crawl out and he stood up to see everyone look at him welcome ezra to chopper base it not much but it will do i said has we walk around but ezra walk behind me because he was shy here is the command center i be here most of the time and there the landing zone for the ghost and the ships and fighter too i said has he look at them.

We walk to the end of the base these are sonar it keep those thing outside and do not walk over or they will hurt you i said has ezra look at them and back up sabine i turn to see Rex and his brother walking to me hey rex,wolf,gregor i said to them who is your big friend rex ask me oh ezra meet captain rex, commander wolf and gregor the last clone from the clone i said ezra lower down and wave to him he is big guy rex said yeah we should get one s it can do the hunting for us well we sit back and relax Gregor said good luck ezra was the only one we found better luck next time i said rex laugh well nice to meet you ezra so what wrong with him can he speak?rex ask me no he doesn't that why i'm going to see with i can fix what wrong so he can speak or find a way to help him talk i said well go luck sabine rex said has they left okay ezra let see what i can do i said has i ran to my room and gt my tools and my music too then i see ezra look at those spider ezra come here and sit down i said he walk to me and sit down i grab my scanner and scan him okay this will take some time now let see what song i said but i see ezra grab one and look at it oh that one here let see i said I grab the case but the alarms went off what going on come on ezra I said has we head for the base commander what going on hera ask him we got a message from a clan Sato said what clan i ask him clan wren he said oh no that my mother clan i said has a holo-image of my mom appear rebels this Ursa Wren of clan wren you have my daughter she is to be hand over and we will leave here and give you information for empire supplies,cargo runs,and prisoner too my mom said mother i'm fighting for the rebellion and for my home i'm not going anywhere i said sabine wren i'm your mother and you listen to me that an order she said you stop being my mother after you kick me out of the clan and my home i said because you betrayed the clan and your home we had to do it sabine she said then you can go kiss the emperor feet and go to hell i said and shut off her message.

I look at everyone and they just look at me what i said i never saw that side of you sabine zeb said well i can lose my cool sometime i said then we heard a ship we turn to see four mandalorian ships landing oh no i said has the ramps lower and i see my mother and brother walking to us HEY i didn't give you permi- sato was cut off when my mother grab his neck and shock until he was knock out then they stop sabine come here now she said i look at her and cross my arms no i won't i said sabine come quietly or by force Tristan said you want sabine you have to get throw us first kanan said has he turn on his light saber and everyone else grab there blaster then my mother just look at us sabine we came here peacefully come with us and we give the information to your rebellion and leave she said no thanks i'm staying here to fight for something and not hiding like a coward like you i said she back up then  she made a fist THAT IT she said has she walk to to me YOU are coming with me right now she said but a giant foot step in front of her and she look up it was ezra he was blocking her mother meet E127 or has i call him ezra i said has ezra pick me up and put me on his shoulder you want me you have to trow him and them too i said hold your fire she said and they soldiers lower their weapon's and so did we

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