Chapter Twenty-Four

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Somehow when the day came I knew I would feel it. And I felt it. Hard.

As I spoke the spell to erase Liza’s memory, I saw her. Hilda came to me. She had no emotion when she spoke. ‘It’s time’ is all she said. I did what anyone would call a head nod, except I cried a little. Now I’m walking through a dense forest.

 I knew where I was going, I guess Hilda was leading me.

As I passed tree after tree I wondered if I would ever get to the ‘holy ground’ as they called it. As I walked further and further away from my friends I wondered if it would hurt to be sacrificed. I mean I know it would hurt but I wonder if it would be quick and painless or horrifyingly painful and prolonging.

I felt tears fall. God! I’m not a cry baby so why do I keep crying. I quickly swiped the tears away from my face. With utter determination  I declared that I would not shed not one more tear.

As I looked up, I almost screamed.

About a dozen people with cloaks on was just there, staring at me.

I took a step back. Is this an ambush?

“Henrietta don’t fret we are on your side.” Someone spoke.

“Follow us and we shall begin the process.” Someone else said. They all turned around simultaneously and started walking.

It took me a moment but I started walking as well.

Within minutes we reached… well, a field. I don’t know what I was expecting but I thought something a little more ‘sacred’. It just looked like a plain ol’ field.

“Henrietta the time has come.” A man said. He gestured for me to come to him. I did.

Once I was in touching distance he brought three of his finger’s up to my head and chanted something I couldn’t comprehend

 “What was that?” I stuttered.

“It’s a spell that will help prepare you for the sacrifice.”

“How do you mean.” I asked.

He looked me dead in the face with his bottomless pits he calls eyes.

“It’s just a precaution. The human body will run when it thinks it’s in danger. So I just cast a little to spell to make sure you don’t run when the time comes.” He gave me a cold smile.

A woman stepped forward.

“Let us get her ready, the ceremony will begin tomorrow night.” The man nodded, and then I was grabbed and led to a black tent.

~Micah’s P.O.V

I punched the tree for the millionth time when it finally gave out and fell.

“Great, now I have to find another tree.” I sighed. I ran my hands through my hair. How can this happen? Why would she do this to me, after I confessed and went across the goddam world for her.

“You know you can’t knock down another tree. The witches might take offence.” Ray walked from behind a white tent.

“What do you care? And where have you been anyway witch boy.”

“Don’t call me that! And I have been around. I just haven’t actually got my head around the fact that my dear Henrietta would pick you over me. It sickens me, but I have to deal with it I guess. So why have you been terrorizing these poor tree’s.”

“I guess she hasn’t told you witch boy. You’re probably going to be happy I guess. But Henrietta doesn’t love me anymore.”

“What? That’s a lie even I can see that she loves you-”

“No she doesn’t Ray. She told me herself. And that’s why I’ve been punching trees all day!” We were now merely inches from each other.

“Are you really that dumb Micah that you can’t even see that she would do anything for you? I mean for god sake she left me to be with you. How obvious can it get, and trust me, no girl has ever walked away from me. Ever.”

I sighed.

“Ray if you don’t fucking believe me ask her your goddam self! She doesn’t love me anymore and I’m leaving. I can’t be around her, it’s just too much.”

I guess he wanted to find out for himself because he walked off in the direction of where Henrietta was staying.

I followed directly behind him because I would love to hear what she has to say.

I saw him rip the tent open but he stopped suddenly. I quickly caught and looked beyond him and was surprised to find Liza there.

I stepped passed Ray.

“What are you doing in here? And where’s Henrietta?” Her back was faced to me, she slowly started to turn around and I quickly realized she was crying.

I rushed to her.

“What’s happened Liza?”

She looked to me then Ray, and started full out balling.

“Eden, come quick.” I yelled.

 Eden arrived within seconds. He rushed to Liza’s side and started rubbing her back.

“Honey what happened?” She looked at all of us.

“She thought I wouldn’t remember any of it, but my mom taught me that spell, and how to mentally block it if anyone ever tried to use it against me. I acted along like I didn’t know what she was about to do. What kind of friend am I!?”

I kneeled down and almost shook the living daylights out of her.

“What are you talking about? Where is Henrietta?!”

“She… she’s gone.”

“What do you mean gone.” I asked desperately.

“She’s gone to be a sacrifice so that the war can stop. She said it was her destiny.”’ My hands dropped from Liza’s shoulders.

“How… but… I don’t understand Liza? Why her!” Liza told me everything that happened in the tent after I left.

I slid to the floor. She does love me. How could I doubt her?  I mentally kicked myself. How could I not see all the stress and pressure she was holding inside? And I call myself a mate. All those horrible things I said to her? God! I hate myself right now.

The room was quiet until a voice broke the air.

“We have to rescue her.” We all looked up at Ray.

“She’s our friend; she can’t go through with this. I don’t give a shit about destiny; no one is to be put to death. No one.”

I stood up.

“You know what witch boy. Me and you finally have something to agree on.”

We gave each other a nod.

“Let’s kick some ass.” We said together.

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