Chapter 5: Times have changed

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The next morning Soos decided to show Dipper how much the world and in turn Gravity Falls had changed. It was not long until Dipper began to see what the world of 30 years in the future looked like and surprisingly, it was not at all like what the movies had said.

Cars were still not flying although now electrical. Supersonic jets did not grace the skies with their elegant delta wings but instead, sleek planes no different to the ones he saw fly over the town occasionally flew by. Many trees still stood and the town itself was in many ways the same Gravity Falls that Dipper knew and loved.

They stopped off at Greasy's Diner for lunch although give the circumstances, Dipper could not leave the car. Eventually Soos returned with some food.

"So, does Pacifica still work here" asked Dipper.

"Oh, yeah dude," said Soos, "Her family never recovered their fortune. She owns the place now. Lazy Susan said she was the best employee she ever had and was the perfect replacement for her after she retired."

"Well I'll tell you; she makes omelettes just as good as Lazy Susan did" said Dipper as he ate his food.

The two laughed and chatted, catching up on things. Mostly it was Soos talking given Dipper had effectively been "dead" for 30 years.

"You sure you're not a zombie?" asked Soos.

"Well, I haven't tried to eat your brain yet so that's a sign I guess," replied Dipper.

The two eventually arrive at a more sombre destination. The Gravity Falls cemetery.

Soos starts by showing Dipper a memorial plaque built in his honour.

"In loving memory of Dipper Pines, 1999-2013. Son, brother, nephew, a true friend, Forever, in our hearts" it read.

"We all thought you were gone. So, we built this before Mabel left for good that summer. I often found myself coming here more then once a week. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Mr. Pines and sometimes other Mr. Pines" said Soos.

"Where are they?" asked Dipper.

"Over there," said Soos pointing to two headstones side by side.

"We lost Stan first," said Soos, "Ford went only a few years ago. He asked me for some reason to make his tombstone smaller then Mr. Pines. I guess it was some promise he had. I never asked why though."

"I can't believe they're really gone," said Dipper, "I mean, how hard was it on them?"

"Very hard," replied Soos, "Ford blamed himself for losing you. Stan blamed himself for letting you both go. But they never got over it. I guess they're both are looking down at us and might finally be at peace now knowing that you're not dead."

"I hope" said Dipper as he sat down in between Stan and Ford's stones tearing up.

Just then, Soos's phone rang.


"Oh, she is? Okay, we'll be right back," he said as he hung up.

"What is it Soos?" asked Dipper.

"It's Mabel," he replied, "She's waiting for us. Come on."

Dipper followed with both the feeling of excitement knowing he would finally be reunited his sister after 30 years and also dread. What would she say knowing he is 13?


Back at the Mystery Shack, Mabel, Daron and Mike had arrived. Melody was talking with Mabel and catching up on stuff.: how the kids were doing, politics, some other things girls talk about, etc.

"Well I'll tell you Mabel, Mike and Daron have turned out to be two fine young children," said Melody, "I mean, they took their own bags inside and even opened the door themselves."

Mabel laughed. "Yeah, that's their guest attitude. You should see them back at home. I'm lucky if they can get along for even a minute," she said.

"Ah the miracle of kids huh" replied Melody, "They're a blessing sometimes-"

"And a nightmare all the other times," said the two of them simultaneously.

Mike and Daron then raced downstairs.

"Hey mom, is that bedroom in the attic where you and Uncle Dipper slept when you were here?" Daron asked.

"You found it, didn't you?" said Mabel, "Yeah, that's were me, Dipper and Waddles used to plot all of our adventures from. We slept only when Grunkle Stan came upstairs."

"Can we stay in the attic?" asked Mike.

"Well, you'll have to ask Melody that I'm afraid," said Mabel," It is her shack after all."

Mike and Daron looked over to Melody with the usual puppy dog expression kids would make prior to demands.

"Oh, of course you two can sleep there," replied melody, "Just don't mess it up."

"Thanks Melody," the two yelled as they ran upstairs.

"Well, I still think they're well behaved, she said, "I mean they haven't argued at all since they got here."

"Again, not at home Daron and Mike are WAY different to at home Daron and Mike" said Mabel.

"Well, I'll tell you, they have that spark in them you and Dipper had at their age," said Melody, "Speaking of him, how did you react to the phone call?"

"Same way you'd expect any sister would after hearing that her long lost brother is not dead," said Mabel, "I nearly fainted!"

"Next thing I knew, I threw a few suitcases in the trunk and me and the kids were on our way here. I just hope Dipper won't think I've changed too much. And I hope he's still they way he was."

"About that," said Melody, "Dipper is...well let's just say he's still very much they way he was back then."

"Well that's a plus," replied Mabel, "Wherever he's been all these years thankfully hasn't drained him of who he is."

"No, I mean, he really is the same way he was then."

Before she could respond the sound of the front door opening filled the room and Mabel raced off. Her mind was clouded with every thought imaginable. What would Dipper look like after 30 years?

Would he recognize her?

Had he learned to use a washing machine?

She ran into the front area of the shack. But she was not prepared for what she saw.

Mabel came to a halt the second she got a look of him. There he was. Dipper. Her long-lost brother of 30 years.

But from what she saw, she might have been thirty years younger too.

Dipper looked up, "Mabel?" he said in a soft voice. He still could not grip the reality. It had been 30 years. Mabel had grown up. No longer was his twin sister a kid, and yet...he was.

"Dipper?" Mabel said. She could hardly believe it. Dipper really was there, yet younger.

A lot younger.

"'s been a while, huh?" said Dipper.

He did not even notice as Mabel ran over to him and gave him a huge hug.

It felt weird. He was used to Mabel being able to lift him up when she hugged him but this was beyond that. He felt like he was flying.

"I can't believe it. It's really you," she said.

"Of course, it's me. Who else?" he responded.

"Yeah, I should have told you on the phone," said Soos, "He's still thirteen."

"Yeah, that would have been helpful," said Mabel, "But...but I don't understand how, or what,'re alive and...and still...what?"

"I know you must have a million questions," said Dipper, "But trust me, I do too."

There were many questions that needed answering, but for now, all that both of them needed was a hug. A hug neither of them had thought would ever happen again. 

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