Chapter 12

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She woke up the next morning and was able to get out of bed. She couldn't stand being still for so long. She got up and made some pancakes from scratch and added fresh fruit. She heard tom get up so she decided to prank him for treating her like a child. She hid behind the couch of the living room. He walked in yelling her name searching franticly. Once he walked in the kitchen and saw the pancakes she came behind him. "Surprise!" He turned around and picked her up. He kissed her cheek. "Don't ever do that again!" He looked almost angry. He put her down. "Hey, at least I can move freely!" He smiled at her ear to ear. "You do know that scares me." She wrapped her arms around his stomach and squeezed. She looked up into his eyes. "You do know I'm not going to want to leave you. After all you take really good care of me."

After breakfast they went and walked through their neighborhood's park.

"How did I ever get so lucky?" He asked. "What do you mean?" He stopped her, and looked into her eyes. "With meeting you, Kat! I can't imagine what I would be doing right now if I didn't have you. Your beautiful, caring, and I swear I think your a little too brave." She smiled like he never seen before. Her eyes were so full of happiness, that she looked liked the happiest person he had ever seen. He leaned in closer and kissed her. She returned his kiss. It was as if he couldn't get enough of her. She hugged him, nestling into his chest. "I feel like the happiest person alive. Your charming, handsome, and you always smile that big, goofy, pretty smile."

They walked to her house, and went to the second story. She brought him into a huge room with walls filled with books. "Oh lord. I never met some one who had a bigger library then me!" His eyes lit up. It was a room painted crimson with books from top to bottom. It even had a fire place in the center. He pulled out a thick book called 'The Whisper in the Woods'. He sat down and she followed him. "This right now is my favorite book along with others from this author. I can't believe you have it if you don't live in America you have to order it online!" She started to laugh when she read the pseudonym D.M. Johnson. "What's the matter?" Her laugh turned into a nervous giggle. "I must of forgotten to tell you something." He raised an eyebrow quizzically. "I write books and right in your hand is my very first one." His mouth dropped open. "Prove it!" Hi face lit up with delight. She grabbed her laptop and logged into the twitter account for the pseudonym. "Are you mad at me?" He dropped the book and hugged her. "Kat honey, I'm thrilled! On top of everything you are this great smart, writer! How could I be mad?"

"Please tell me your writing another one." She grinned with pride. "Right now I'm working on releasing a new one. It is already written, and made into a book we are shipping them out to be released in half a month. I'm working on getting them to release world wide too. Also I'm halfway done with another" He raised his eyebrows. "Do you think I can read it before it's released? I'm asking as more than a fan, I'm asking as a boyfriend." She grinned deviously. "I don't know. I mean I know it would just kill you not to read it with you knowing it is the first book of a new series."

She started to walk to a case of books when, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She drew in a sharp breath and collapsed. "Kat!" He ran over and kneeled beside her. She started to drift off to sleep. He kept shaking her, and yelling but it was no use. She had passed out. He picked her up and drove her to the hospital.

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