"Wake up, Son."
I pulled the covers up over my head which left my feet exposed.
"You need to keep your feet covered or you will be susceptible to disease." The mechatronic grabbed the blanket and pulled it back over my feet exposing my head. Even though my eyes were closed, I knew it was Warpaint because my old man would not have been strong enough to tear the blanket out of my grip.
"Hurry," my father said, his voice was gruff. His hand shook my shoulder. "School is going to start soon."
I didn't need to go anywhere for school. I could just wake up, connect to the ansible and I would be done. I didn't need to shower or dress. My best image was already programmed into the ansible.
"Step back, Sir Father," Warpaint said.
I opened my eyes just in time to see Warpaint lean in, grab me and lift me out of bed as if I had the weight of a small child.
"I'm up already."
Warpaint set me on my feet and nodded as if he had made some big accomplishment.
Dad was dressed in his science officer uniform. "Behave yourself today."
He'd been saying that since we first arrived on the G.E.V. Shadow. I swallowed my anger in a big lump down the back of my throat and looked across my bedroom to my punching bag. I already pictured it with father's face. My hands balled up into fists.
"Maybe," was all I said.
He side-eyed me, but didn't say any more as he left my room. I heard the door to our quarters open and close as he left.
I grabbed my okulus to check the time. There were no new messages. Why would there be? Most everyone who was my friend was either dead or didn't know I was still alive and my father manipulated my okulus so I couldn't contact Mars or receive contact from Mars so I had no idea what happened to Thrissko. There was fifteen minutes left before school would start.
"Here is your breakfast shake," Warpaint said. He held it towards me. I ignored it and tried to crawl back into bed. He grabbed me with all three arms and pulled me back. I banged on his metal chest, but instead of it pushing him back, it just hurt my hand. I pretended it didn't.
"I'm not hungry."
"You must eat to get all your nutrients."
Warpaint brought the shake up to my lips and tipped it so a little bit spilled around my closed mouth. The pressure on my lips hurt enough I tried to step back, but he placed a mechanical hand on my back and I couldn't back up. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth. I also took the shake from him to ease the pressure on my lips. When he saw I was drinking it he stepped back. I downed it quickly and handed the empty carton back to him. He tilted his head as he stared at it in his hands. I still wasn't used to the strange aftertaste all the food on board the G.E.V. Shadow left in my mouth. I was told it was because all the food was made from an algae they grew onboard.
The punching bag called to me. I didn't put gloves on, I punched it with bare fists. The resistance against my weight was satisfying. I kneed it and steadied it when it came back so I could knee it again with my opposite knee.
The alarm on my device went off to let me know it was time to hook into the ansible. I stepped away from the punching bag and wiped away the sweat that had begun to form on my forehead. Perhaps I should have awoken earlier to take a shower. Eh, whatever. I wasn't physically going anywhere, what difference did it make?

The Secret War - 1st novel in the Shadow Series
Science FictionVai Ma'amaloa is 17 years old, and his father has just accepted the position of Chief Science Officer aboard the G.E.V. Shadow, a retrofitted warship tasked with exploring the unknown reaches of the galaxy. Now, Vai will have to come to terms with l...