I ran. We all ran. The Brist back at the transport was hopping on his little feet and gesturing wildly at us. He didn't wait, but got on the transport. It started up with a low rumble. Minmin outpaced the rest of us and arrived at the transport first. She didn't waste any time getting onboard.
Shel arrived next, but he didn't board until after Rebecca and Hani were onboard. Teacher Miller boarded right after him. Owen reached the transport at the same time I did. He scrambled on first.
The first Slpsis ran behind me. The wind of it's passing brushed my back.
"Hurry, sir," Warpaint didn't wait for an answer. He pushed me in the back and I fell forward into the transport. He lifted me from behind just as the transport doors closed behind us. I sat. The Brist turned the transport around. It was too slow. Agonizingly slow.
Warpaint said something in a language I didn't understand, but the Brist driver looked over his shoulder with a scowl on his face. Warpaint waved his hand forward and said the same thing again. I didn't know Warpaint could speak Brist. Maybe that was a feature my father had added last night.
Slpsis ran all around us. Too close. One brushed up against the side I was on. The transport rocked to the opposite side where another Slpsis ran into it. The air outside the transport looked even more yellow as the Slpsis stampede caused the dirt to rise in the air.
Warpaint shouted something this time at the Brist. A Slpsis rammed into the back of the transport. It suddenly lurched forward. Warpaint threw an arm out in front of me so I didn't bang into the seat in front of me.
The others weren't so lucky. Owen and Rebecca fell from their seats. Minmin almost fell, but regained her balance quickly. Teacher Miller held Hani back so Hani didn't fall forward. Shel put both hands out to the seat in front of him. Once he composed himself, he helped Owen back in his seat. Rebecca scrambled back into her seat next to Hani. The distance that was between them before the trip was nonexistent now as they held onto each other.
More Slpsis banged into the sides of the transport. One banged into the side right next to me. The side of the transport dented inwards. The Slpsis outside slid, but didn't lose its footing as it continued on its way.
It almost seemed like the transport wasn't moving. It was, but the Slpsis were faster. The matriarch banged into the other side of the transport. That side lifted slightly. My body automatically leaned that way in an effort to put it down. Something black banged into that side.
The transport crashed on its other side. I banged into it as the momentum carried me into the fallen side. Minmin hadn't been in the seats behind me originally, but with the tilted transport, she was suddenly there - crashed into its side like I was. Rebecca, Hani and Teacher Miller all tumbled towards her from the opposite side. Minmin braced herself and caught the heap that was Rebecca and Hani. Teacher Miller fell into them, but it didn't budge Minmin. She helped them get sorted out.
Starwatchers were stronger than they looked. Noted. I had always heard they were, but had never seen it myself.
It didn't occur to me until then that I should also have people - and a mechatronic - tumbling on top of me. Warpaint had braced himself. He hadn't moved except to turn his upper body so he could catch Owen in his oversized right arm and Shel with his two arms on the left.
My side, back, shoulder and neck tightened and hurt where I had banged into the side of the transport. I stood up on the grounded side. Minmin helped Rebecca and Hani to stand. Minmin didn't seem hurt, but Rebecca held her head and Hani held her arm. Teacher Miller stood up slower and favored her left side.

The Secret War - 1st novel in the Shadow Series
Ciencia FicciónVai Ma'amaloa is 17 years old, and his father has just accepted the position of Chief Science Officer aboard the G.E.V. Shadow, a retrofitted warship tasked with exploring the unknown reaches of the galaxy. Now, Vai will have to come to terms with l...