Chapter 5

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I woke up in a bed. Niall strangely wasn't there, I got up and went downstairs nobody was home. I heard mumbling in the living room. I walked inside the living room and it was Niall with Rachel. My insides burned thinking of that name, why is she in MY house anyways? I smiled or at least tried to at the sight of her. Her dark cold gleamy eyes stared me down. I cleared my throat and smiled" So what brings you here today?" She grinned annoyingly "Just spending time with my boyfriend" Her and Niall looked each other in the eye and smiled. They leaned in and kissed each other. I stared and though. Wow this actually hurts very very ,much... I smiled I sat down on the single couch and turned the TV on. I was watching Boy Meets World. My favorite TV show, "Let me see your hand to see our energy's converse" I looked over at Niall and Rachel. They where holding hands. Soon Niall looked at me devishly and shrieked.----------------------------------------------------- "Wake up bitch" I woke up nervous and my stomach felt weightless. Niall's was laughing hysterically. I groaned "I had a nightmare" He smiled, "What was it?" I looked down "It was nothing..." He got up from his bed and stretched. I rolled my eyes but relieved that it was just a dream...

Heyyyy guys-xoxo anywayyyss I'm sorry I haven't been updating not that recently its just school and stuff honestly don't feel like doing it because ain't nobody got time for that anyway luv bugs whenever I get more views and ratings I might update recently but sorry for this long paragraph byeeee-xoxox

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