wednesday, 17 april 2019

6 2 2

dear diary,

i got hit again for no reason.

i know that i am useless and worthless. but, all i want is love and affection from them. why are they so mean at me? did i do something wrong? i don't understand why are they so mean.

school didn't give me anyhope either. those bastard are still punching. is it because i'm ugly? is it because i wear grandpa clothes and large glasses? is it because i'm thin? is it because i'm gay? (i don't think the gay one is correct because renjun is also gay but they don't pick on him)

i don't know.

at least i get to introduce myself to jeno! but he looked like he didn't remember me huhu. but again, at least he didn't laugh at me like my ex did.


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