Chapter Two

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"Uhm... Okay. So, first period class is History... Now... Where is that?" Lily sighed inwardly as she wandered aimlessly around the halls. First day and she's already hopelessly lost.

A gentle tap came at Lily’s shoulder as a soft voice said to her, “History is room 213 around the corner.”

Lily turned slightly, smiling, "Thank you!”

A small girl, about 5’4” stood there, with dark brown hair and matching eyes tucked behind thick rimmed glasses, “I can take you there if you want, it’s on the way to my class.” The girl spoke again, her voice shaky.

"That'd be great!" Lily adjusted the strap on her shoulder and held out her hand, "I'm Lily. What's your name?”

“J-Jamie…” The girl stood completely still as she watched Lily carefully.

Lily let her hand drop to her side, seeming perfectly fine with the fact that she didn't want to shake hands, "Nice to meet you.”

Jamie nodded her head in response, “We should hurry if you don’t want people to see you with me, that’s social suicide around here.” Jamie quickly headed down the hall.

"Why wouldn't I want people to see me with you?" Lily questioned.

“I’m one of the nerds,” Jamie explained as she rounded the corner, “People who hang out with nerds, namely me, don’t get to hang out with the populars.”

"Oh. Oh well! Guess I'm not going to be hanging out with the popular people, then!" She said with a soft smile, "I'd rather hang out with you.”

Jamie stopped right in her tracks, her entire body tense, “No, you don’t.”

Lily continued walking, Glancing over her shoulder at Jamie, "It's my decision, and I choose to hang out with you and make friends with whom I want…”

“Y-You’re making a b-bad decision,” Jamie stammered.

"I think it's a fine decision." Lily turned to face her, "Is this the class?" She asked as she motioned to the classroom door.

Jamie nodded, her lips set in a firm line.

"Thank you!" Lily turned the handle and walked inside, her heart pounding as her nerves took over. Her first actual class…. it was overwhelming.

“Ah,” The teacher smiled, “You must be Ms. Evans, you can have a seat next to…” The teacher scanned the room, “You can either choose to sit by Mr. Payne or Mr. Styles.”

Lily looked between the two boys, biting her bottom lip. After finally settling on which one to sit by, she turned to the teacher and gave her a small smile, "Thank you." With that, she made her way over to the seat beside the boy with the curls and tattoos.

Edward glanced at her before letting his eyes return back to his notebook where he was doodling various things.

She reached into her backpack and set out her notebook, textbook, and pencil, before looking back at the teacher.

About halfway through class the door swung open and in ran a very jostled principals assistant, “Excuse me, but the principal needs to see Ms. Evans and Mr. Styles immediately.”

Edward looked up in confusion, he hadn’t done anything recently that would make the principal want to see him. With a sigh he shoved his notebook and pencil in his backpack. Without waiting for Lily he stormed out of the room.

Footsteps sounded behind him as Lily tried to catch up with his quick pace.

Edward opened the familiar door of the office, giving a quick hello to the secretary he barged right into the principals office, “I assure you this time it wasn’t me. I haven’t done anything in over a week that would require me being here.” He quickly defended.

"I assure you, you've done nothing wrong.” 

Lily stepped into the office, wringing her hands nervously.

Edward sat down in his usual seat and crossed his arms, “I thought we agreed that unless I did something wrong we wouldn’t have to see each other?”

Mr. Barnes leaned back in his chair and motioned for Lily to sit down, "Mr. Styles, I'd like you to meet Miss Evans. She was homeschooled before coming here and is new to this whole public school thing.”

“You brought me here for a meet-n-greet?” Edward scoffed, “I have classes to attend and grades to pretend to fail.” Edward stood and headed for the door.

"I need you to help her and make sure she understands the homework she gets from classes and so on and so forth.”

Edward stopped in his tracks, “What’s in it for me?”

"I won't announce that little bit of information to the school at graduation.”

Edward’s body went ridged as he turned towards the principal, “Alright, what days?”

"Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays." Mr. Barnes looked over at Lily and smiled, "That sound good?” 

She nodded, "Sounds fine to me…”

“Fine,” Edward sighed and held out his hand to the principal, “I’ll help her if you don’t announce that on graduation day, deal?”

With a firm handshake, the principle replied, "Deal.”

Edward glanced at Lily, “Come on pipsqueak, we have to get back to class.”

Lily quickly stood, walking beside him. "Thank you… for helping me earlier.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Edward nodded, “Just don’t go spreading it around that I helped you.”

She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head, "Okay…."

“What’s with the face?” Edward looked at her in confusion.

Lily smiled lightly, tugging nervously on her hair, "This face is my face! Can't exactly change it, now can I?”

Edward let out a small chuckle as he stopped outside the classroom door, “See ya pipsqueak.”

Lily glanced at him before stepping inside and making her way to her seat

Edward made a face at Liam before sitting in his chair.

Liam gave Edward a questioning look. Why did the principle want him? 

Lily immediately began taking notes. She didn't want to be too much of a bother to Edward, so she'd try her hardest to fully understand everything.

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