Part 8: run it

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Tae walks out first and goes to his room. He sees his girlfriend on the bed sleeping but he still hears her little sniffles.
He couldn't give a shit about that because he knows they were fake and she just wanted his attention.
"Don't pull that crying shit with me Amy, you've done way worse and I wouldn't even fucking cry so don't pull that fake shit with me!"
"Why tae? Why can't you realize I love you so much? Let's just try to fix us again. We were so good until she was in the picture."
"She's always been in the picture Amy, longer then you have. So don't fucking tell me we were fine without her when she's been in my life and by my side longer then I've known you!"

This was no normal argument. This was a argument that happened because you were in between their relationship and you actually felt guilty.

"Why am I always the fucking bad guy when all you do is fuck everything with a dick! Huh!? Tell me! You can fuck everything but once I fucking hug my best friend you get jealous? You're so fucking annoying and that's why we're breaking up!"

You over heard everything. You didn't want this to happen but you didn't wanna get involved. But for taehyung you did just that.

"Um guys? I'm sorry I know this isn't my place to say anything but y'all should work this out, it's not good to always argue like this. Tae I'll be in the hotel text me if anything."

Before I can leave Amy opens her mouth.
"Who the fuck are you to come in my room and tell us what the fuck to do?"

I no longer will play the nice one here if she's gonna be a bitch then ill show her how a real bitch acts.

" look I'm telling ya to work shit out, don't come at me all types of crazy as if you know shit about me now if you wanna say something then come up to my face and say it instead of being across the room running your dirty mouth alright!"
Even I was surprised by my own words cause she really shut up...

Tae walks up to me and grabs me out the room but I try pushing him off since she wanna act tough.

"Look alaía I understand you think you're the shit but you're really not, now leave before I drag your ass out."

Amy stands up and walks towards alaía.

Tae pov
My girlfriend won't put her hands on alaía right? No she's not the type.

I keep trying to hold alaía but she keeps trying to make me let go and honestly i really might cause she's strong as hell and I'm getting weak.

Nobody pov
Amy tries to  runs up to alaía and hit her.
But Tae pushes Amy back and she falls on the floor while alaía is unfazed looking at her nails.
Amy starts screaming at alaía and Tae, she's truly crazy.

Alaía pov
I knew this bitch was crazy. She's screaming her lungs out at me and Tae like it's the end of the world.
"While you have your pity party I'll be leaving, bye Tae."

I finally leave the room and go back to the guest room and start packing my bags. I need to get up outta here this place gives me bad vibes now that I know who Amy really is.
I finish packing my bags while Amy is still running her mouth. I head out to the door and I see Tae running to catch up to me.
"Wait alaía. I'm so sorry I didn't expect this to turn out the way it would. ATLEAST let me make it up to you."

"It's fine Tae really. Call me if anything."
I head out the door and I walk to my uber leaving the man behind with a crazy girl still on his back.

Next chapter will be kinda confusing so just bare with me and try to understand lol okay bye💗

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