Chapter 3: No Risk, No Reward

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That night Luciana closed all of the open windows, sick of letting in the summer heat and pushing the air conditioner to work overtime. She didn't know why so many of them were open in the first place but figured that it didn't matter. Her new goal was to use as little electricity as she could the days before the funeral because after she was going to have it be turned off. With the windows closed the air conditioner wouldn't have to work nearly as hard which would hopefully save some pretty pennies.

Finished with her task, she went to cuddle with Marco in the master bedroom. Marco snored softly, already out as Luciana entered the threshold and she smiled gaily at his sleeping form, enamored with him. His thin brown hair fell over his face and his mouth fell open slightly, drool trickling down the corner of his mouth. He looked like a dork and Luciana rolled her eyes but still smiled. Dork or not, he was her dork. Stepping on her pants as she walked to the bed she stopped when her foot landed on something round.

The device!

Luciana cursed herself for having forgotten about it and picked up her pants, fishing out the invisibility device, mesmerized yet again when she accidentally clicked the button. "I'm gonna play with this," Luciana giggled to herself as she dropped her pants and put the device in her shorts. Marco was kind of a square when it came to technology. He liked his iPhone while Luciana preferred her android. She figured he didn't have to know until she'd had her fun because without a doubt when he found this technology he'd call his dad and have him assess the worth of the device and then his father would call him home and this vacation would be over. A device like this would be critical for Weyland Industries but Luciana didn't want to share. Not yet, at least.

Slipping outside into the warm Summer air Luciana stood in the moonlight, soaking it all in. True freedom, that's what this device allowed. She looked for a shadow and found none. There was nothing to give her away. Knowing she was free to do as she pleased without anyone to tell her no she giggled before she ran to the cliff and leapt off it. Luciana had heard the stories from her abuela Alice about how the cliff was high enough to be a thrill and the water at the bottom was deep enough to be safe. Her grandma had jumped off that cliff hundreds of times and Luciana knew that with this device she could finally get away with it without the fear of Marco catching her first.

The fall was extraordinary. Luciana had gone cliff jumping before and knew that the best way to go was to just leap without a second thought. The thrill she got was exhilarating, making her heart pound in her chest as she watched the water rush up to greet her beaming face. Splashing down into the icy water below Luciana yelped in shock. She hadn't expected the water to be so cold and the shock brought her body alive in a new way. Gasping heavily as she breached the surface the device crackled angrily, dropping her camouflage. Realizing she wasn't dead, even if her heart wanted to beat right out of her chest, Luciana threw her head back and laughed and laughed. Her laugh echoed in the night as she swam to the side of the pool, taking the device and clicking it off so the angry hissing would stop.

She walked on the shore and rang out her shirt and hair, still giggling as her body buzzed with life. She could feel her heart and the throbbing of blood rushing throughout her body and it made her feel so good, so alive. She liked being crazy and for the most part Marco was right there beside her, ready to have fun. It was jumping off cliffs, skydiving and pretty much anything he deemed too risky that he avoided and as such Luciana knew she'd never tell him she did this. It would just worry him and he'd find a way to talk her out of doing it again like he somehow always did. He could be very persuasive when he wanted to be and the fact they were even getting married was a prime example; California is full of rich and cute guys, he hadn't got his ring on her finger easily.

Calmed down some Luciana started to wonder how she'd get back up. Abuela seemed to leave that part out of her story and there didn't seem to be a path back up. Luciana smirked at the side of the cliff, flexing her fingers as she sized it up. Well, there was one way. She could feel the ring on her hand and could hear Marco's voice in her head telling her to find a safer way, but ignored it. She'd also leave out this detail, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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