Later On

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  "Lockwood get the kids out of the kitchen!" I yelled trying to cook with two young children grasping my legs. "Oh come on Luce, let them have fun." He said back standing in the door way.I flipped around on him and gave an intense glare, "Yes and it will be fine when the get cut, burned, or biff it." Lockwood sighed and grabbed the kids, "Jessica, Freddy, that is enough. Let your mother cook." Jessica gave a grunt of disagreement, while Freddy whined in protest. "Daaaad, you are no fun." Lockwood gave his classic wolf-like smile, "Oh really." Freddy nodded still dangling at Lockwood's side. "Will you calm down if I tell you a story about when your mom and I fought ghosts." Jessica and Freddy nodded frantically at the idea. He started talking about the screaming staircase incident. Lockwood and Co. was still run by Lockwood but he couldn't go into the field as much anymore, do to his Talents dulling. It crushed him when he finally couldn't see Jessica's, his sister Jessica not our daughter, death-glow over his bed. He was lucky in my eyes though, he didn't still have a dead guy still pestering him, yes I mean the skull.

   I still remember when we found out we were going to have Jessica, we were both scared to death. Lockwood for is unknown reasons but me, I never want to be like my mother. Yet someone has to keep the kids in line. The problem is still a big deal and is going on, so the kids come inside, if they are outside, before dark. Once we have a name for a boy and girl picked out, Jessica Daniella Lockwood and Fredrick Daniel Lockwood, we found out they were going to be twins. Now that they have grown up, Jessica has her dad's eyes and beautiful smile. With my light straight hair and my face frame. While Freddy, has his dad's curly dark hair and his face, with my attitude. He has more of my eyes then his dad's. 

    They both get into a lot of trouble, the have met Holly, George, Flo, and Quill. They love Holly and George but not so much Quill or Flo. Now back to as I was saying. Lockwood told the kids stories while I cooked dinner. Once it was done, I set everything out and ate. The kids went to bed and Lockwood and I stayed down stairs. "Luce, you need to let those kids have some fun." I rolled my eyes and looked back to him, "There is a limit between them getting hurt and them having fun. You don't get that. Lockwood gave a chuckle, "Why is that?" He stood up and walked towards me, "Because you are so reckless." He smiled and pulled me to him and kissed me, I kissed back. I felt him smile a but against me, but I cut it short hearing the patter of feet down the stairs, "Mommy?" I heard Jessica's gentle voice speak out. "What, love?" She stepped into the light and I saw her face full of fear,"I had a bad dream, can I sleep with you guys?" I gave a sympathetic smile and picked her up, "Of course, baby." I hugged her understanding her fear, she had nightmares as bad as me. They use to be just about Lockwood, but now I had two new lights in my life to worry about.

Lockwood and Co. : One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now