Get Yeeted

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  I walked by Lockwood down the street, we were suppose to go to the store but took a bit of a detour to the park. Once we got there, there was a surprise waiting for us. I stood in the sunlight while Lockwood took a seat on a bench. Then I heard the most annoying high-pitched voice I could ever imagine. "Anthony, is that you?" I looked down to see a girl slightly taller than me with bright red hair, and bright green eyes, and a face full of make-up. I stared at her in shock. Turning to Lockwood I gave his a worried look. "You know her?" Lockwood sighed and nodded. "Sadly, One moment Luce." Lockwood stood up and walked to the girl, "Hey Locky, I missed you!" Lockwood stuck his hand out for a hand shake but was forced into a hug instead. "Hello Emma. How have you been?" Emma gave a fake pout, "Bad without you." She run a finger along his chest. Lockwood stepped back, I hated this girl. "Why are you backing away Locky. I thought you liked me." Lockwood ran his hands though his hair, "Emma, I never saw you like that. I am very sorry." Emma stomped her foot. "Stop it Locky, I like you isn't that enough!" Lockwood stepped back once again and turned to get me. "Are you leaving me for that rat?" Lockwood turned with annoyance and anger in his eyes. "What did you call her?" Emma put her hand on her hip. "I mean look at her, then look at me. Come on Locky you can do so much better." I turned back to walk, "Emma, I am sorry but no." Emma glared at Lockwood, "You are so dumb Anthony." That was enough, "What the hell is your deal?" I flipped around to face her, she had a worried look on her face. "Well, I had him first so-" I stepped towards her, "Had him? How much of a basic bitch can you be, I mean really. It is his choice not yours now shut up!" Emma's jaw dropped, "Do you know who you are talking to?" I rolled my eyes, "No but let me tell you, hi this is Lucy Carlyle you are speaking to and I am done with your bull-shit!" Emma rolled her eyes, "Wow you are both dumb." Then I kinda snapped, I lifted my hand and brought it down with full force onto her right cheek. "Oops..." I said sarcastically, Emma rubbed her cheek. "You bitch!" I shrugged. Once she left I turned to Lockwood who had his to jaw to the floor, "Well Luce." I shrugged once again, "To the store."

Lockwood and Co. : One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now