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"Julie, darling," my grandma said, still stirring something in a pot, Rosa doing the same in an equally enormous pot beside her. "Can you pass the— oh, thank you," she said once I'd handed the container on the side to her.

"How many people are coming to this thing?" I asked, looking at the mounds of food on the table.

Sofia came in through the door, another tray of food in her arms.

"Me, you, Sofia, Rosa," she said, taking a two back from the pot on the stove and turning to me, counting on her fingers. "A few people from the village."

"Are we really going to eat all this food?" I popped another slice of watermelon into my mouth.

"I'm sure we'll eat most of it," she said, turning back to her task, but looking over her shoulder as the door opened again. Nicolás gave yet another tray to his mother, who was sorting the food on the dining room table. "Are you coming, dear?"

Nicolás looked from me to grandma, if only for a split-second. I was careful not to let my eyes wander to him, but I could feel that momentary glance all the same.

"Yes, of course," he said.

"Only if he gets all his chores done!" Sofia called.

He rolled his eyes and I suppressed a chuckle.

"Julie?" I heard grandma say, pulling me away from my thoughts. I looked to her. "Wake Elise and the others up, won't you?"

I made a sound of protest, but got up all the same.

As I scooted past Nicolás, I could feel his eyes on my face. I raised my head to see him, and almost jumped him at the intensity of his stare. His hand reached dangerously close to my rear, and I gave a look of warning, but that didn't stop him as he discreetly grabbed my arse. Luckily, Rosa and grandma were still intent on cooking to notice and Sofia had her back to us.

I threw him a look as I went up the stairs.

☼  ☼ ☼

We were all sat around the table, but we'd moved it outside. Well, Nicolás and one of the guys from the village had. The night was warm but had a slight breeze; it was ideal for a dinner like this.

I was sat next to Nicolás, who I was careful not to look at all night and kept conversation to a minimum, and an elderly woman adjacent to me, at the head of the table. Everyone else— Sofia, Rosa, gran, and the girls— were all scattered further down or opposite.

"You look beautiful," Nicolás mumbled in my ear. I turned to him, surprised by how close he was, and glanced quickly to see if anyone had noticed. I returned my gaze to those eyes of his. "I don't know if I can save that night."

I rolled my eyes, but I'm sure my cheeks were dusted in red.

"Don't waste it," I said back, equally as quiet to keep from prying ears, even though everyone was talking and laughing so loudly. "You won't get it again."

His hand rested on my thigh. "A shame, really. You want to rethink the bargain?"

I pretended to think for a moment. "No, I think it suits me—" I leant in closer, until our faces were a hair width apart. "— just fine."

"You make such a lovely couple," the elderly woman said to us suddenly, accent thick. I pulled back from Nicolás immediately, quick enough to probably give myself minor whiplash.

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