Chapter 22: I Want To Stay Like This Forever

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A week had passed since the dance, and during that time we had all been hanging around at my house.
When I say 'us', I mean Ryan, Jack, Toby, Marzia, and a new transfer student, named Phil. He had long black hair, and pale blue eyes with a crooked smile. His skin is extremely pale, and he can be pretty shy. Even though he can be nervous being around people, he has a lovable personality once he warms up to you.
Ryan pointed out that Phillip had been sitting completely along for a few days, so we decided to go up and talk to him. It turns out, he liked a lot of the same things we do. Same movies, same video games, etc. It was great.

So like I said, all this week we've been hanging out at my house. I was so happy that Mazia decided to come along too, because I really liked her. She was really sweet, and I felt like I could trust her.

I was trying to think of something fun all of us could do this weekend. Something that everyone here could enjoy. Roller skating? No way. Bowling? Not a chance. Maybe a movie? Sure, that's perfect. In fact, there was even a movie I wanted to see.

"Hey guys." I said, turning toward Marzia, who was talking to Jack on my bed. Then to Toby, Ryan, and Phil, who were playing something on the xbox.
"Do you guys wanna catch a movie this weekend? There's something I wanna see."
"Like what?" Toby chirped.
"It's a secret." I said, flashing a mischievous grin and holding my finger up to my lips.

"I don't have a problem with that." Ryan chimed in, pressing buttons on his controller wildly.
"Perfect." I said while standing up and briefly stretching. "I'm gonna run to the kitchen quick, anyone need anything?"
"Water would be great, thank you." Marzia said softly, only stopping her conversation with Jack for a brief second.
"Of course."


It's been about a week now, since I met these guys. I feel like-in a strange way- that I have been saved. I don't know what I've been saved from, but everyone here has provided me with comfort that I didn't even know existed.
I was talking to Jack, who started off as the person I knew least of. Now, we've been talking so much I feel like I've known him all of my life.
He listens, and understands. Has anyone ever done that for me before? Just listened to what I have to say? It's a wonderful feeling. All this things that I thought would bottled up forever just suddenly released. I felt light, like I could float right off the ground.
Toby was sweet too. He felt like the big brother I never had. He had this way of letting me know nobody was going to take advantage of me or hurt me ever again.
Phil- how could you not like Phil? He had the most lovable personality, and has always been very kind and protective of me.
Felix, he was hilarious and always put others before himself. He always made me feel secure, and made me feel...important.
And then Ryan, Ryan was just...gorgeous. His cobalt blue eyes, his wavy chestnut hair. Even with his scar, he was perfect. Sadly, he started wearing his mask again after Toby kindly retrieved it for him.
I just knew that if he didn't wear the mask at school, he would make all the girls swoon.
Ryan always knew what to say...and what to do. He had this deeper voice that sent shivers up your spine.
These five guys...I want to stay with them forever...

We spent the rest of the day just sitting around in Felix's room. Toby, Ryan, and Phil were glued to the xbox, while Felix, Jack and I swapped stories and just talked until late at night.

Finally the four of us decided to leave and go home and meet tomorrow at noon, but Ryan stayed behind.


"Well that was fun." I said waving to Jack and Toby as they walked down the driveway. "I like our friends."

"I like our friends too." Felix said with a wide smile.
"Are you getting tired yet?" I asked, barely realizing the yawn that slipped out of my mouth.
"Yes. But that's only if you'll cuddle with me." Felix opened up his bedroom door and slid under his covers. Only his blue fleece shirt stuck out. "Did you tell your mom that you're staying over?"
"Of course." I answered, climbing in bed next to him. Felix grabbed the strings at the back of my mask and swiftly untied it. Even though this happened every time Felix and I were alone, I wasn't quite comfortable with keeping my mask off.
Felix gently grabbed my cheeks and lifted my face up to look at it. His smooth fingers ran across the rough skin that covered my scar. I've never told him how I got this scar. But I know that he knows.
It was Christopher's fault, of course. I almost died, number one from blood loss, and number two from stress. I wish I knew Felix when that happened.

I nuzzled my head into Felix's chest, listening to his heartbeat and soft breathing. He stroked my hair, and kissed my forehead.
I was enjoying just being so close to Felix, thinking of older times...When he first saw my scar. How embarrassed I was. How he told me it was okay, and that I actually looked...cute. I could feel my cheeks turn pink just thinking about it.
I was still caught up in old memories, when Felix abruptly asked,

"What would you do If I died?"

I looked up at him, to see if he was being serious. His eyes were dull; which scared me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, almost sounding offended. "Don't say things like that."
Frankly, I didn't want to think about Felix dying. Not ever. It made my chest hurt, and my eyes sting.
Felix was silent, like he was still waiting for an answer.
"I can't imagine anything without you." I said, truly meaning it. "So don't say things like that."
Felix slowly wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tightly. "I love you."
I couldn't find the words to say anything, so instead I just hugged him back as hard as I could.

Yay~ Update! ^_^
This chapter was a little uneventful, so the next once will be special! :D
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