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New town. New school. New people. Same me.

My name is Judy. Judy Wallaway. Im 16 years old and i'm a so called "army brat". My dad always has us moving around. It's me, My little sister Julia, my brother Timothy, and my mom. When it comes to my family I'd do anything to protect them, no matter the cost. Let me tell you a little bit about the Wallaway family. Let's start with my dad. Peter Wallaway. He grew up not having the best childhood that a child could have. At the age of 7, he was bouncing in and out of foster homes. From the age of 9-10 he stayed in an orphanage due to his lack of discipline.  He had a friend, close enough to be his brother which he always protected, his name was Henry. My father never knew his last name and he never had the heart to ask. Henry's parents were killed. Right in front of him during a robbery. He never got adopted while my father was in the orphanage. People thought he was to damaged to have in their homes. At the age of 11 my dad was taken in with the Greensburg family. There he had 2 foster brothers, one older and one younger. Never once was my father violent or disrespectful to any of his foster family. Except for one time, "the exception" is what he called it. Jerry, it was the elder brother who had spoken cruel upon my grandma. My fathers heart shattered, along with Jerry's front tooth. Let's just say Jerry never talked about my grandmother again. By 17 my father had been told he could no longer stay with the Greensburg's, due to him creeping closer to becoming an adult. That's when he moved in with a friend he met in high school, his name was Rick. They were known as Ricky and Pete the dynamic duo. Shortly after moving in with Rick my father met his neighbor, Jenifer Thomson. Known as my mother. My moms childhood wasn't the best either. She lost her father to a heart attack at the age of 6, after my grandfather died my mom went to live with her aunt Casey while my grandmother took some time to herself. As a child My mom looked to her tia as a mother figure since my grandmother wasn't always around. Her teenage years were rough without a father, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. At the age of 18 my mother received $20,000 that her father was saving for her.
That allowed her to mover to california, where she met my father.
Little did they know they would get married and have three children. From there on my father and mothers connection grew closer and stronger, over 4 years later my mother gave birth to a babygirl. Well me. From there the family grew and we're here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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