His Eyes

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


Birds chirped outside your window as you lay on your bed, staring at your tv. The news was talking about another heroic deed done by the autobots.

You didn't know too much about them, as you didn't live in Detroit. But they were pretty impressive, you had to admit. You turned off your tv and groaned, flopping over and tossing a sock on the floor.

You lived at home but were planning on moving in with roommates soon. Your parents were...not so great. Your mother refused to call you by your preferred pronouns and name, even though you'd legally changed your name already.

Your father was barely ever home, so you didn't really speak with him much. You had a little sibling whom your mother praised and compared you to often.
You were so tired of all this.
You wanted to be in a place where people respected you. You wanted a change.

So far each day was a monotonous repeat of the last, and it was beginning to weigh on you. You rolled and hugged your pillow, sighing deeply and closing your eyes.

You awoke.
You looked over at your clock, rubbing your eyes. It read 8:30 pm. You'd fallen asleep! You groaned, slowly sitting up and turning on your phone. "Fuck!" You grumbled as the bright screen blinded you.

You tossed it to the side and got up, nudging things out of your way as you went to turn on your bedroom light.
You squinted as the light came on, slowly moving over to your bed.

You retrieved your binder and shrugged off your shirt, hooking the binder and pulling it over your head. It got stuck of course, and you groaned as you reached back to unravel it and pull it down. "I didn't sign up for this," you muttered, tucking your chest into the material and looking at your mirror.

'Fuckboiiiii," you muttered, the slightest grin forming on your lips. You pulled on your shirt and went for your pants, pulling them on and snorting as they got stuck on your packer. "Big dick at it again," you mumbled.

Your mom hated when you wore it, telling you it made you 'look weird' and that people would 'think you were a trap'. Yeah. Blatant transphobia right there.
She also didn't want her younger precious child asking about it.
Couldn't hurt to educate, though.

You knew you were a hot dude, so her opinion didn't matter. Or you tried to make it not matter. It still stung that your own parent didn't support you.
You shrugged it off and pulled on your socks and shoes, grabbing your phone and opening your bedroom door.

You stepped out and locked it behind you, heading downstairs. "Going on a walk," was all you said to your mother as you went through the kitchen and outside.
You headed down the street and towards the trail that lead out to the trees.

You were sort of spooked walking around at night, worrying about perverts and god forbid, transphobes. You felt constant invalidation though, which was why you went out at night instead of during the day.
You listened to the crickets chirping as you headed down the gravel path to the woods, swatting at a few night pests as you went.

You ducked into the trees, feeling the anxiety slowly leaving you as you got further and further away from that house.
The sky was clear, the moon bright and the stars glinting peacefully.

You hurried to your favorite clearing, sitting down and looking at the sky. A cool breeze ruffled your hair and you inhaled deeply, trying to push down the feeling of loneliness that clung to you.

You saw something glint in the sky and then disappear. A moment later, the ground shook and you heard a loud crash.
You got up, running back the way you came and heading for the trail. You hit the end of the trail and reached the sidewalk.

When you reached it, you looked down the other side. It was dark, and you didn't know where it led.
Shrugging, you headed down towards it. That seemed to be where the noise came from.

There were no houses down this way, and you felt the hair at the back of your neck prickle as you walked down the street,  streetlamps offering no light.
You stepped into the grass off the road, seeing smoke and a large shape in the distance.

You squinted to see, heart starting to pound as you saw the thing move. You moved closer, trying to figure out what it was.
There were bright lights flashing from around it, and then it moved again.

Realization hit you. It was a transformer! You couldn't help but be curious. Was it an autobot?
You ran closer, and a tremor shook the ground.
The bot was massive, and as you watched, another came barreling towards it.

The two slammed together, and a loud bellow of anger rattled your ears. It was too dark to get a good look, but one had one bright red eye, the other had two.
The two-eyed mech lifted the bigger bot and threw it, sending it crashing down into the dirt.

You gasped, and it spun to look at you, eyes locking on yours.
Fear rose up into your chest as you watched it, slowly backing up.
You saw the other mech get up and slowly approach and despite your fear you spoke.
"B-behind you!" You choked, and it spun, landing a massive punch to the other's face.

You managed to gather yourself and took off running, legs shaking but adrenaline fueling you as you ran back towards your house.
You made it back and ran inside, where your mother was sitting by the phone.

"I think there's been an earthquake! (Deadname), get into a bathtub!"
You ignored her and tore upstairs, unlocking your bedroom door and running in, closing and locking it. You ran to your window, panting and looking out. You saw nothing.

You crawled under your bed and stayed there, heart pounding and thoughts racing. What had just happened?? You had just seen two huge fucking transformers fighting and you survived.
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement, too.

As you calmed down, you crawled out and layed on your bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking.
That mech had looked you right in the eyes. You'd never seen eyes like that.
And you slowly drifted to sleep, still thinking about his eyes.

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