Alpha Blitzwing

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


Icy slowly struggled to sit up, mangled face spurting energon as he tilted it to look at Megatron.
He was going to hurt their organic!

He growled, lowering his head.
His face began to crack and split open, falling away.
His back arched and he growled louder, body beginning to split open.

Megatron was too focused on Y/N to pay attention, but the autobots saw everything.
Slowly, Icy's face was replaced by a multi-colored face, black, red, gold, and blue.

Blazing green eyes became sheilded by a visor, and the body began to snap and reform.
Two massive arms replaced Icy's small thin ones, and two animal-like legs creaked and snapped into place.

A second pair of eyes, blazing red ones, opened on either side of the mech's face, and three sets of wings snapped open.
Two gigantic canon blasters slammed onto his shoulders, and a triple cockpit sheilded his chest.

Two long, silver metallic appendages slithered on either of the bots sides, and then he roared.
His mouth split open to reveal rows of sharp teeth, and fire exploded from his mouth.

Megatron froze, slowly turning around to see what the commotion was.
"WHAT?!" He spat, "what IS THIS?!"
The massive mech slowly moved closer, towering over Megatron.

"We...are Alpha Blitzwing."
"That-that's impossible! Blitzwing is the size of my LEG!"
Alpha Blitzwing growled, leaning down to Megatron.
"WE are all FOUR...merged as ONE..."

Megatron suddenly grinned.
"I see. Have it your way. Lugnut, kill the organic!!!"
Alpha-Blitzwing looked up, saw Y/N in Lugnut's grip, and hissed, firing an entire 30 rounds into Lugnut at once.

Lugnut looked down at his dented and hole-littered chest, scoffing.
"You missed!" He barked.
Blitzwing tilted his head.
"Did we?"

The bullets detonated, splitting Lugnut's chest into hundreds of little pieces. The massive mech howled, his arms falling off and sending Y/N flying.

Bee whizzed past and caught him just in time, transforming and speeding down the road to give them distance.

Blitzwing stepped over to Lugnut's head, which was still attached to his spinal column and spark.
He planted one foot on Lugnut's helm, growling.
"Gute nacht, alter Freund," he hissed before crushing his helm beneath his foot.

"LUGNUT!!" Strika bellowed, charging at the massive triple changer. Blitzwing turned, firing his canon straight into her chest.
She backed up, stumbling a bit, and then looked down at the massive hole in her chest.

Blitzwing walked over to her, placing his claws on her abdomen and tilting his head.
"Es tut mir Leid," he whispered, jamming his arm up through her chest and crushing her flickering spark.

Megatron was pursuing Bee, flying low to the ground and shooting at him.
Blitzwing knelt, ripping the stasis cuffs off of Prowl and Bulkhead.
"You care for Optimus and Ratchet," he said, "we will deal with Megatron..."

And then he took off, charging down the highway after Megatron and Bee.
"Stop now while you still can!" Megatron hissed, firing a missile at Blitzwing.

Blitzwing caught it, hurling it back at him.
It struck Megatron in the motors, causing him to transform and crash to the ground.

Blitzwing leaped onto him, grabbing him by the throat and bellowing.
Megatron growled back, gripping Blitzwing's tongue and wrenching on it. It ripped loose, energon spurting out.

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