No Hope

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None of the events in this story are real. It is fictitious and I in no way am willing it to happen to those mentioned in this story.


Bee sped down the highway as quickly as he could.
You looked out the back window, seeing the decepticons getting closer to the garage.
Your heart thundered in your chest, and a pain developed within.


Megatron transformed and landed, followed by Strika.
"Well, well, well...if it isn't the autobots," Megatron scoffed.
Optimus tightened his grip on his axe.

"Now then...we will take what is ours and then we will leave you alone..."
"Not gonna happen, Megatron!" Optimus growled, "he's staying with us!"

"Oh, nonsense...he is a traitorous decepticon! I highly doubt you want him hanging around. Now...get out of my way..."
The autobots encircled Icy, weapons bared. "You'll have to go through US first!"

Megatron laughed, "Oh how delightfully pitiful!" He pulled out his sword and approached them.


Lugnut flew after Bee, bright red lights trained on him.
"Slag! He's gaining on us!!!" Bee cried, speeding under a bridge and turning right.
A barrage of bullets sprayed the ground, causing Bee to turn again and speed straight back towards the garage.

"He's trying to herd us back!!!" You cried, gripping the seat and ducking low to avoid the gunfire.
"I don't know what else to do!!!" Bee cried, swerving left and right to avoid the bullets.

He did a 360 and sped past Lugnut, and you and your friend looked out the back as Lugnut once again started gaining on you.
"Oh man oh man oh man!!!" Bee shrieked, speeding as fast as he could.

Lugnut slammed onto the ground in front of Bee, causing the car to screech to a halt.
You gasped, looking up at Lugnut as he transformed in front of you.

Bee reversed, spinning and heading back to the garage again.
Lugnut leaped at him, swatting him with one fist.
Bee skidded and rolled a few times, shrieking in panic.

You and your friend were thrown from his interior and landed in the grass and gravel beside the road.
Bee transformed, dragging himself to his feet.

Lugnut slowly lumbered closer, eye blazing red as he looked at you. He reached down and grabbed you, lifting you and heading towards the garage.

"Put me DOWN!" you yelled, kicking and hitting his clamper-like hands frantically.
"Y/N!" Your friend cried.


Optimus slammed into the wall of the garage, hitting the ground and groaning. Megatron laughed loudly, looking to where Strika had Prowl and Bulkhead in stasis cuffs.

Ratchet was half unconscious, and Optimus has been the last one standing between Megatron and Icy.
Icy was still trying to regain his energy, and thus couldn't really fight.

"You're all so sad!" Megatron purred, kicking Optimus aside and kneeling in front of Icy.
"Now..." He hissed, grasping Icy by the throat in a split second, "fet. Me. Blitzwing!"

"I vill never do zat!" Icy retorted, and Megatron squeezed harder.
"Master! I have the organic!!" Lugnut bellowed as he approached.

Icy's eyes widened and he struggled against Megatron's hold.


You saw Megatron choking Icy, and it made you start kicking and yelling again.
Megatron looked at you, and from behind him Optimus leaped onto Megatron, yanking him by the neck.

Megatron released Icy, stumbling to his feet and slamming himself into a wall to knock Optimus off.
Strika grabbed Optimus by the neck and threw him a good few feet, laughing as he slammed into the ground.

"Y/N!" Icy called, struggling to stand. Megatron rushed him, body slamming him and knocking him down.
"Enough of this!!! You either give me Blitzwing or Lugnut will CRUSH your precious human!"

Icy looked at you, his eyes wide and full of worry.
You swallowed hard, locking eyes with him.

And then you heard it.

Y/N...I do not know what to do...

You gasped, trying to comprehend having just heard Icy in your head.

Icy??? is me. We have a link...all conjux endurae do.

What are you going to do??

I do not know...I am ze strategist but...I cannot think of anything to get us out of zis...I will die for Blitzwing...and I vould die for you...

You shook your head, tears welling up.
No, don't say that! We'll find a way!

It is too late for that, I'm afraid...

Megatron seemed to grow impatient. He slammed Icy's head into the ground. Once. Twice. And then he began slamming it into the ground until parts of his helmet cracked.

His odd bright blood began oozing from his mouth. His monocle busted out. A hunk of his external face tore off.

"STOP IT YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!!" you sobbed, "STOP!! PLEASE! USE MY BRAIN! CUT ME OPEN IF YOU HAVE TO! Just...please stop killing him!"

Megatron stopped, looking up with a grin on his face.
"I was hoping you'd say that. "
He stood, releasing Icy and walking towards you.

Lugnut held you firmly as Megatron approached.
The decepticon leader grinned at you, opening one of his fingers to eject a long needle.
It was huge, and would probably lobotomize you.

Your heart began to pound as he inched it close to your head, and you closed your eyes.

I love you, Icy.

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