Chapter 11

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I smile up at him as he sits where Hunter was not even five minutes ago.

"Those aren't the lyrics." He just shrugs his shoulders.

"You know, if you weren't already a singer, I would say you should be one." I lightly chuckle and look back up at the ceiling. "Maybe writing a song will help you." He stands up and leaves. I look up at the ceiling, then use my momentum to sit up. I grip my head as it suddenly is throbbing.

"No happy endings will ever find you. All of these ghosts are from deep inside," I hear a voice sing. I look around, but I don't see anyone. I shrug it off and get off the bed, heading to the desk in the far corner of the room. I grab some scattered paper and a pencil. I tap my jaw as I think about what happened while trying my hardest not to get an attack.

The haunted hotel.
The kidnapping.
The warehouse.
The torture.

I look back down at the paper about to write when I drop the pencil. What's written on the paper downright terrifies me. In dark, big, bold letters are four words, the lead spread all around the paper.


I look at the side of my right hand that's facing the paper and find it covered in lead, as if I rubbed my hand in it, showing that I wrote it.

I can feel my chest getting tighter and tighter as my heartbeat races Sonic for the fastest. My breathing comes out in short puffs and the edges of my vision start to blur. I fall out of the chair and land on the ground. I don't know if Hunter and Andy heard, but I know I have to get someone's attention. I crawl forward, leaning heavily on my arms and using my momentum to pull me forward.

After moving once, my body is exhausted. I reach forward, but I'm so exhausted that my arm and head fall to the ground and my vision blacks out.

><><Time Skip><><

I open my eyes and notice I'm back on my bed. I look at the end of the bed and see my right leg, the one with the ligament tear, resting on top of a pile of pillows.

Just then, Hunter walks into the room with a cup of water. He sets it on the nightstand as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"What happened? And what time is it?" I ask. I have an idea, I'm just not sure.

"Seven in the morning. You slept through the night because you had a panic attack. You also aggravated your leg, that's why it's elevated. It's supposed to help. Also, I'm gonna listen to what the doctor said and put you on bed rest." My eyes widen.

"What? Come on, man. That's bull-"

"Uh-uh-uh. Doctor's orders. I don't mind doing it anyway." It's silent for a spell. "Hey, what were you doing at the desk that caused you to have a panic attack?"

It takes a minute, but I finally remember. "I was thinking of some lyrics for a song, and something happened." I don't know if I should tell him. He knows about the others, but still. I feel like he won't believe me.

"If it has something to do with Phantom, or any of the others, you can tell me. I saw two of you in the same room, remember?"

I sigh and point to the desk. He gets up and walks over, looking down at the paper still laying on the desk.

"The lead is on my hand, but I didn't write that. I was zoned out thinking of lyrics." He comes back over and sit on the edge of the bed.

"It's ok. We'll get through this." He smiles, an attempt to lighten the mood. "Now, how about that shower/bath?"

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