Abby's Happy Ending

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My Ex Boyfriend Best friend 2
Has been Released the Part I hope you guys Like it and Enjoy and Excite the upcoming Episode. Thankyou all  for Supporting this Story.


"Abby start her new job in Hwang Enterprise. And meet her college classmate Matias . Na apo ng May ari ng Hwang Enterprise. Matias fall in love Abby Even he knows that abby is Engaged by Ero . and in a while abby found out that shes pregnant. And then Ero Meet her Share Holders Tasha Morris  na Ex ni Matias .. Sila ang Gugulo sa Happy Ending ni Abby at Ero matuloy kaya ang Wedding??..

-Author HYFLT

"Please support IHate that I love you " precious & Fin celebrity Love story ❤ thankyou.

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