2. Carmen Winstead

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As long as literature has been around, revenge has always been a popular theme. This theme holds true in the case of Carmen Winstead, a 17 year old teenage girl who lived in Indiana...This is the story of the popular Carmen Winstead urban legend.

Fact or fiction? At the end of this chapter, you be the judge.

The Joke

One day, Carmen Winstead was pushed into a well by five classmates. This was supposed to be a joke, but it turned into Carmen losing her life in school during a fire drill.

She was not, particularly, liked by many of her classmates as she was viewed as the odd one out. This group of students, known for being troublemakers, originally wanted to embarrass her in front of the school.

It wasn't until they heard nothing from the sewer, that they were worried about the outcome. Carmen did not come back from the well. As police and emergency responders came to the well, they found that her neck had been badly broken from the initial impact of hitting the ladder, but further snapped as it hit the concrete below.

A Gruesome End

When the guilty party was questioned, they claimed it was an accident. Fearing for their lives, they all stuck to one story to convince the jury of their innocence.They ruled her death as an accident in the final trial.

The attackers thought they had gotten away with it... Little did they know, they would each be hunted down one by one in the coming months. The girls began to have dreams where they would wake up in the sewer in the middle of the night... That is when they new something was going to happen.

One night, one of the girls involved in Carmen's death would end up being the first target in a string of mysterious deaths.

This girl was taking a shower late at night as she prepared for bed. Before she got in, she was startled by the sound of faint gurgling coming from the drain. She was sure that she was just imagining this phenomenon until she heard it once more.

This time it was a bit louder and it was more aggressive. Additionally, she felt a cold air envelop her. What she heard next chilled her to the bone.

She heard what sounded of cackling coming over the loud sound of the water exiting from the showerhead. This laughter came, seemingly, from the drain and rung in the pipes below.

In a hurry, she told her mom about the experience but her mom dismissed it. She was told to go to bed and not to speak of it again.

Little did she know, she would be speaking with her daughter for the last time. Late that night when everyone was asleep, a loud noise sounded in the home. Shrieks echoed in the darkness of the night.

When the mother rushed into her bedroom she was startled to see her daughter not there. The room had been trashed in the struggle. When the police did an investigation to find the missing daughter, they found her at the site of Carmen's death. The old sewer with the the cap partially opened.

As the officers shined their lights down into the well they found the little girl battered and bleeding. The girl, whose head was turned the opposite way in an act of despicable violence, was pronounced dead on the scene. They were horrified to find that her face was stripped of all the skin...

The same fate ended the lives of the other girls. Each experiencing violent deaths where they were found eventually found in the sewer.

Paranormal happenings

Before the girls were murdered and found in the sewer they received an eerie warning. In a way, they knew something was going to happen to them.

A post on MySpace from an anonymous source talked about what really happened the day Carmen was pushed into the well. The post titled 'They Pushed Her' described what happened in detail.

The post did not expose the guilty party involved but it came with a chilling warning... To confess or face deadly consequences. This post would turn out to come true just three days after its inception.

That is when the first girl met her demise. Her outcome was the loss of her life and the mutilation of her facial features in the sewer.

As the rest of the guilty party was hunted down, suspicions of paranormal events gained traction. This is when the story became one of the most popular urban legends to date.

As the story of Carmen Winstead came into the spotlight, the internet featured her in a series of social media and email campaigns. In these campaigns it was said that if you didn't share Carmen's story to new people, you would end up being hunted down as well.

In that case, you might just want to share this article on your favorite social media just to be on the safe side.

Urban Legend

While this is an awesome story, it most likely that it is just legend and there isn't much truth to it... The biggest glaring evidence of a hoax is the fact that no girl named Carmen Winstead died in Indiana in such a way at the time frame cited in the story.

This is definitely a fictitious story but it is a great urban legend in its own respect. The idea of a violent, angry spirit seeking revenge is something that would haunt anyone.

While this story is most likely a hoax, there are many similar stories that have been reported to be true. Like the violent, angry spirits residing in or at the , many spirits can cause harm.

Many urban legends do, however, have truth to them... There are some urban legends that have been fact checked and fall in the realm of the unexplainable.



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