7. The Spider Bite

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TRIGGER WARNING*** This is a liiiiiittle disturbing... BUT THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT SO BONE CHILLING HAHAHA.... i sound like a crazy person.. i hate spiders just by the way..

This woman went vacationing in some overseas country. While lying on the beach she fell asleep and a spider bit her (unknown by her). She woke up with the side of her face a little sore but attributed it to the fact that she had been tanning and maybe got slightly sunburned. Anyway, she finished her vacation, returned home, and her face began to swell, eventually forming a boil which really itched. Upon visiting her doctor, he broke open the huge boil and hundreds of tiny spiders fell out. The woman was so horrified that she went into shock and died of a heart attack right there.

This was short... VOTE NOW!... please?

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