Trial by Lunch Room

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Eve found me sitting on the floor of the girl's locker room.

"Who are you and what did you do with my best friend?" She joked.

"What happened after I left?" I asked.

She sat down next to me. "There was chaos. Your step brother looked like he could not decide if he should follow you, get mad at Ann or freak out at Xander. Everybody was talking about what happened. I will say one thing, no one is going to call you an ice queen anymore."

I leaned my head against my knees feeling sick. "Great, ice queen to school slut in 5 minutes. I am never going to be able to leave this locker room."

"Actually, you're kind of a hero. Ann is a bitch. And you just did what every nerd girl in the world secretly wants to do. Show the world she is not someone to be messed with. Most of what I heard on the way here was totally in your favor."

"What you need to do now it get out there and show everybody you are not afraid of anybody. I'm texting Jenny and Sam to meet us in the cafeteria and have lunch just like we always do." Eve stated.

"There is no way that is going to happen," I said.

"Then Ann wins," said Eve. "You just prove you are too much a coward to follow up on your big dramatic move."

Did I mention I really hate Ann?

"OK," I stood up. How bad could it be I figured? There were only about a dozen people in the hallway when it happened. Not that many people could have been interested in the drama between Ann and me.

And then the clapping and cat calls started when I walked into the cafeteria. Not that many people were interested in drama between Ann and me, but making out with Xander Davis in the school hallway? Yep, everyone was interested in that.

I wanted to run away. But Eve was standing next to me and I was pretty sure she would stop me, physically if necessarily. So, I turned bright red but kept my chin high and walked to our lunch table where the other theater kids and nerd girls waited.

Once I sat down the questions started. What had it been like to kiss Xander? Was I thrilled about my part? How had I gotten up the nerve? Fortunately, everyone was talking so much and so loudly there was almost no room for me to answer.

The problem wasn't my friends. I could have answered them. The problem was everyone else in the cafeteria was starring and listening. It wasn't like I was usually invisible at school. I was in plays. I got good grades. People talked to me and knew I existed but I was NOT someone important. No one stared at me. No one clapped when I walked into rooms. No one listened to my conversations at lunch. Now they were. And it was creepy.

And it kept going all day. People I had never spoken with smiled, congratulated me on getting the lead in the play or fist bumped me. It was like I had landed on another planet. Apparently being a bitch to another girl and making out with a boy without asking his permission in the hallway made you automatically someone everyone wanted to know. I spent the rest of the day feeling like I was either going to faint or throw up.

Eve stopped me in the hallway after my last class to tell me I even had gotten my own #. Great I thought #LivyWilliams, #nightmare, #Ihavelostit.

And then I realized things were going to get worse because I was going to have to ride home with my step brother Jack. We shared a car and he had the keys.

I froze on my way to the parking lot. I had kissed his best friend. In front of him. And now I had to face him.

I liked my step brother. Our parents had married when I was 12 and he was 13. We did not have much in common. He was a grade older. I was a book worm who loved to study and did theater. He spent all his time playing sports and video games. But we got along alright. And, when our parents had a baby, Jason, we really did start to feel like a family.

But I was not sure we were at the "So, it's totally cool I made out with your best friend in the hallway to piss off my worst enemy?" level of closeness. I am not sure that would have been OK if I had been his real sister. Maybe it would have been worse?

I turned around quickly, maybe if I hurried I could still catch the bus home and put off talking to Jack for a few more hours. 

And then I ran smack into a hard chest and looked up into the face of Xander Davis. Suddenly sitting in a car explaining things to Jack seemed like it would have been a lot better than being here right now.  

Again, I would love to hear from anyone reading this.  I am new to writing and would like any feedback you have to offer.  

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Hi! I have a new story that I just put up called Opposites Attract if you are interested in reading something else I have written. 

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