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To say dinner was tense would be an understatement. Me, father, grandmother and issac all sat around the dining table trying not to kill each other. Word had come yesterday that an army of nkarian warriors were coming to our shores and despite issacs and sir damsons constant asking, it seemed father would not pull back our armys to protect the capital he wouldnt even send word to branden to come home. Despite the threat in the news i couldnt bring myself to be anything but elated the marriage to the prince of rhannon has been posponed until the threat was dealt with.

"Just so you know" issac said whilst signalling for a maid to refill his wine,"I love you all very much." Out all of things he could have said that was defitely the most unexpectided. "Well issac that sure was... Nice of you to say." Grandmother mused uncomfortably. "Considering we are all going to die tommorow anyway i thought i might as well say it." The maid spilled the wine on the table,father rolled his eyes. "Were not going to die. Our army will wipe them out before they even hit land."

"Our army?" Issac asked increduacly,"our army is on the border with rhannon the troops here are not strong enough to hold the stables let alone the city." Grandmother tried ,and failed, to not laugh. It was moments like these i realy should keep my mouth shut its like grandmother always says i can be the loudest woman in the world but it doesnt matter if my audiance is deaf... and yet. "What if we brought the female magic users aswell as the males that would double our total troops." I stated calmly and there was that look again. "What would you know of stategy." Father said disgustidely. Actualy quite alot Branden had taught me the basics and the castle library had many books on the subject. "Besides the women would faint at the first sight of blood."

"Woman see alot more blood than men." Grandmother said. The poor maid ,who was still cleaning up the table, snorted and then tried desperatly to cover it up with a cough whilst slowly backing out of the room. "You now nothing, none of you now the trials of being king and do you know what else i know? None of you ever will." Father stated with firm finality staring at each of us in turn, "i shall run this kingdom my way and none of can do anything to stop me now leave me to my dinner your voices are giving me a headache." i slowly rose and left the room issac in tow behind me i heard grandmother speaking, "my daughter would sicken to learn of the impotent man you have become."

"Well Its good she's dead then, isnt it?" I saw grandmother leave the dinner hall slamming the door behind her her face crimson in fury. I stood by the door fist's balled debating going back and shouting all he things i'd had bottled up for years but i didnt instead i went back to my room and read about women who did.

"Ros," issac whispered through my door hours later, "I need to talk to you. Privetly." i quickly let him in locking and bolting the door behind him. Issac was looking at one of the many paintings on my walls it was of the last queen of rhannon hippolita who had gone to war with the dragon isles because her son had been murdered by a dragon. "A heroine of yours?" He asked indicating to the painting. " Yes shes everything i wanted to be a hero, a fighter...Free." Issac tore his eyes away from the painting to look at me. " Im so sorry ros, if there was anything-"

"I know." I said cutting him of. " I need your help. You know as well as i that we need Branden to win this war. I'd send a message to him but father is having me watched... He doesnt suspect you." He looked at me expectantly.

"So you want me to send him a message?" I asked putting it together."All you would have to do is write the message and then get it to a maid named iona." I looked at him skepticaly. "can we trust this iona?"

"Yes." He said instentaly. Issac was right we need branden and I would take any chance I could to do something useful. "Okay i'll do it."

the next morning i got a knock on the door to my chamber. I looked up from my book a very pretty woman walked in. She moved her hands in a way i new was a greating silent monks gave each other she then pulled out a peice of paper and handed it to me it said,

Good morning my lady,

i am iona your new maid but i have taken a vow of silence, sorry for any inconveniance, i was told you knew some of the language silent monks use i can teach you more if you like. Other wise i shall use paper and quill to communicate.

"Alright then i would be happy to learn the rest of the language but for now you will have to use your paper." She nodded. She looked very sweet with short dark curls held back with a intricate head band, dark brown skin a heart shape face, button nose and a warm smile . She started searching through my wardrobe shaking her head at several dresses. "Whats wrong?" I asked after the seventh infuriating tut. She picked up her page and wrote,

I mean no offence my lady when i saw your wardrobe is quite repetitive i mean realy who needs that many pink dresses? And the rose covered ones are quite on the nose.

I chuckled. "You sound like my grandmother."

Well i have been told she has exallent taste.

She scribbled. After a few more seconds of searching she held up a red and white dress. As she was doing up my sleeves i slipped the note to brandon in her dress pocket. She finished with the sleeves and turned to leave but stopped when she saw the book still lying on my bed she smiled quicky writing down,

thats a compelling read one of my favourtes, we shall have to discuss them properly tommorow perhaps whilst i sew you a new dress.

With that she left the room and i could tell a freindship for the ages was blossoming.

As i lay in bed in the early hours of the morning I listened to the sounds of the city stiring. A birds call the baker opening there doors and children playimg in the streets. Issac and the soldiers would be leaving soon to apprehend the nkarions and i would be left behind to twiddle my thumbs and wait for their safe return. I felt as if the painting of hippolita was taunting me. As if it was asking me the questions i had always asked my self. Why can't i fight? I am as powerfull as my brothers, as smart as my brothers and yet i was religated to dreses and polite conversation. After a few seconds of indisition I jumped out of bed and pulled up the floor board to find the jewel encrusted dagger branden had given for my fourteenth birthday. It was named thorn because of the words written on the side,

'Every rose has its thorns.'

Id never used it but I kept it under the floorboard just in case, I felt a certain kinship to the dagger it was just like me cappable of doing so much sharp and ready but instead its put in a pretty casing and only used to look at. The words on it spoke true every rose did have its thorns and those nkarions were going to see mine. "Issac! Issac!" I shouted dashing to my brother as he prepared to leave with the rest of the men. Iona was at his side but as i aproached she smiled sadly at him and swept away. "What are you doing here Ros?" He asked as i approached. "Im coming with you!"

His eyes widened. " Father will never allow it."

"Screw father! You know i can help i can fight with my magic and you need all the help you can get." Issac turned to sir Damson who was pointedly looking away. "Fine!" He relented, "you can come but keep your head low ros these people are dangerous." I nodded jumping on issacs horse and riding in to battle. 

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